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The moody morning sky, covering my palette again
white, green, yellow, zinc white and red
the ev'ning planet, spinning on, the rains in vain
my lover's blue came in, ev'ryone drops dead.

While gazing at the movements, perplexed and cool
white turns black, ruby red in brownish mess, the fool
where is he, where is he my metaphoric lover,
acentric he moves on with the blackest cover

The dark green trees are gazing at I
why are there deepsea blue clouds, treading forth, why?
I lose trees out of sight, gone is the lovely emerald light
now almost night, all blackest diamonds sleep tight.

Awfully sleepy, my mind is heady, my passion blurred,
when I gave up, I see beauty, how absurd !

My most magical moon right on the spot,
is a most beautiful fluorescent biggest dot
heaven-high on the home firmament.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
MyNotes: Last Night it was full Moon

— The End —