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Big Virge Apr 2020
My Developments Have Come ...
From ... A LOT of Stuff ... !!!

Mum And Dad For One ...
At Number Two Has Been Being A Dude ...
Who Doesn’t Run From TRUTH ...

Number Three Has Been All The Things I’ve Seen ...
From Being A Teen With Cricketing Dreams ...
of Being In Teams Seen On TV Screens ...

To Others That Showed ...
Where I ... Should NOT GO ... !!!

But Such Dreams Went As I Became A Gent ...
Who Developed A Love For Writing Poems ...

That Beat Like Drums ...
Or A Heart That Pumps A WARRIORS’ Blood ... !!!
Because I Have Developed A Style That’s TOUGH ... !!!

Or As Bajans’ Say ... " HARD " ... !!!
Because I Mark Cards With The Verse I Impart ...
That’s Lyrically CHARGED Like An F1 Car ...

Technically Developed To Operate With Venom ...
That’s RIGHT Like E Said From The ... CEREBELLUM ... !!!

Developed And ENVELOPED Like A Chillum ...
By Craftsmanship ESSENTIAL ....
To ... Developing My Mental ...
To Levels Where I Revel When Utilising Pencil ...

Well Now ......
Keyboard And Pen When Developing POEMS ...
That Show Just How Developments ...
Have Helped Me Grow With STRENGTH ... !!!

That Stem From How My Head ...
Has Thoughts Developed ... YES ...

Thinking That’s Been CENTRED ...
Or Middled Like A Six ...
Just Like Those That Were ... HIT ...

By YES The GREAT ... “ King Viv “ ... !!!

It’s Thinking Just Like THIS That Helps Develop SCRIPTS ...
of Well Developed Lyrics That Twist Just Like Those TWISTERS ...

And ALL THIS Government ... " SPIN " ... !!!

From Doctors Who Plot To Corrupt The Lot
of Those Below ... Their Budget Thresholds ...

So Now Their Medicine’s Making People ... SICK ... !!!!!
So Let Me CLARIFY QUICK That My Usage of Lyrics ...
Is Developed BEYOND Tricks And ALL THEIR Politics ...

So Is FAR FROM Being Pubescent .......
It’s More Like An Ancient Remnant ...
of Something PURE And Sentient ... !!!

It’s Relevant And Intelligent ...
So REJECTS Being ... PETULANT ... !!!!

To What I’ve Made ... PREEMINENT ... !!!

My Embracing ...


...... “ Developments “ .....

— The End —