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Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
Swinging on a swing
Playground buzz all around
All alone
Now she can ride a bike
So much later than when everyone else could
But she rides it everyday after school
Climbing high on a tree
Can't get back down
A chattering crowd forms and teachers need to intervene
Friends turn on friends
And what shoes you wear matters
She doesn't like growing up
Her uncle buys her a sketchbook
She draws people, some crying, some smiling
In the back corner of her junior high lunchroom
First day of high school
Wearing the outfit she took forever to pick out
So many faces, so much noise, a new world
First date, and it feel like she's floating
A smile she can't shake until
He finds someone prettier than her
New boy who takes things slow
First kiss with his hands wrapped around her waist
A whole new kind of face to face
A dress that slaughtered her father's wallet
Bittersweet goodbyes
Boy promises to write
They go off to separate colleges
But slowly grow apart
She hangs up the phone
After telling him tearfully it was too hard to keep up
And they stay friends but distant
Then one day not-so-little-anymore-girl
Is walking her dog early before sunrise back in her hometown holding down a job out of college
She's always been a morning person when her high school love stops her with his smile the way he used to
After the breakup halfway through college
Due to circumstances the feelings come rushing back
And numbers are exchanged before dawn breaks
White veil and red roses
Another dress to break dad's wallet
But she Is beautiful as the love she has for the groom, her high school love
Finally can afford a real nice house
Two little boys playing in the big yard
A little ******* her hip, daddy with his arm around mommy like he used to back in high school
Daddy comes home from the doctor one day
She is in a screaming match with her youngest little girl who has just turned 13
Daddy has news. One of these days, he won't be coming home ever again
Mommy gets a call after tucking the kids in
She drives recklessly to the hospital
But when she arrives they can't find any life in him
Kids grow up strong and healthy
Beautiful children who raise another generation of beautiful children
She is a grandmother, but she misses the would-be grandpa every second until one day she comes back from the doctor... numbered days left on her life
Swinging on a swing
Front porch in silence  
All alone

Repost if you know or are a beautiful widow
Please comment I love to read people's interpretations of my work!
Repost if you know or are a beautiful widow
Please comment I love to read people's interpretations of my work!

— The End —