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brandon nagley Sep 2015
Modern day slavery, hath manacled man's hand's and feet. Chained, tied, blindfolded, leading to one's demise. It cometh by many form's; pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed. Thus a free willed decision, with Lucifer making rich men affluent; wealthy they've become, off bomb's, secret societal seed. Thieve's of tribal territorie's, madmen of brutal glory!!!
Mind control ruler's, martial law suiter's, polluter's of land gone to waste. O' prosperous creature, what hath thou done? Tooketh holy scripture's of God from public schooling's, passing out satanic fooling's; becoming puppet's for Beelzebub? Suicide's, sky high, as parent's, thou hath left thine son's. At the bar? Bellie's enlarged: isn't that smoke and drink enough? Got the good stuff? High on bag's of dust? Wife at home? Cheating stealthy mode, and thou wondereth why it's thee who shalt succumb!!!! The terra firma hath turned wretched, stenched by the elite's Gucci cover, whilst the world killeth one another, on war's to maketh money off of the deaf, dumb, and blind; awakest, now's the time ....................Global collapse, it's just around the corner mine friend's.......

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry

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