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m lang Apr 2019
my "insensitivity"
isn't stemmed from negativity,
but more so a desire
to think about it logically.

a life without stress
is when i do my best.
and don't take that as     distance,
but my choice
to be  sep ara te.

   me, myself, and i
mind, body, and soul.
woven together underneath
the attachment of my surface layer.
hidden from most,
deemed "unreadable."

my "detachment"
a word often describing my
lack of attention-
is not a reflection
of my affection,
or a distraction
from my emotions,
but a reflection
taking place of a reaction.

my "cold heart"
is not the polar
to a warm heart.
it is simply the polar
to a fiery heart,
but it burns
just as fiercely.
8.9.18, finished 1.16.19
Joz Oct 2016
A wind element never shows;
when they fall in love,
for they are never sure
on their own feeling.
They want to go deeper
it will never deep enough
when they reach there,
they can't stop loving you.

It is hard to understand an aquarian
for they are unreachable
but trust me,
you can trust them unconditionally.
You don't need to do lot of things
for these aquarians,
just a balanced respect for them
is always enough.
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2016

— The End —