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Julie Grenness Mar 2017
The amicable divorce had kids,
Dear little tin lids,
Here's your new mummy,
No need to spit the dummy,
Now you've got a new dad,
Stop yelling, there's the lad,
Here today, gone tomorrow,
Each divorce brings its own sorrow,
You're such dear little tin lids,
Yes, the amicable divorce had kids!
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Jul 2016
Look,  I found a new book to read,
This is a book of nonsense, indeed,
Titled, "The Amicable Divorce",
I did snicker and chortle, of course,
Who wrote this? Some toff,
I sit and read and scoff,
I wrote companion lit.,
Equally full of blip,
"Improve your kids' English,"
Real vivid vocab., that's the way,
What this witch wants to do to them,
Only one way to handle abusive men,
"Uppity, uppity, shove broomstick uppity."
"The Amicable Divorce"? Heavy, heavy,
Look, a brand new book to read,
"The Amicable Divorce", nonsense indeed.....
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Jan 2016
How is the ex treating you?
Somedays it's a bit like a zoo,
Recriminations and regrets,
People you'd rather forget,
Amicable divorce not self-evident,
Happy-ever-after so  not manifest,
Added to your survivor baggage,
All part of your mental luggage!
Somedays, it is a bit like a zoo,
How is the ex treating you?
Feedback welcome.

— The End —