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alessandra l Apr 2015
you burnt like a star
and you touched the lives of everyone around you
the tendrils of your flames and your fire, extending and overwhelming;
but i suppose radiant
things are not meant to last long
Ramir Oct 2014
Came the time where I first saw you
Your smile like summer,
In that cold night's dim hue.
In a flash you're near me
We've hold hands together carelessly
I've never felt so free back then
Those days begun with you
As the darkness in my heart brighten

You gave me signs..
Which gave me reasons
Our time spent well, in heart's season
Euphoria is what I've felt
You've told me, you've felt the same.
The emotions were doubled
With the happiness gained.

Those were the good'ol days
Never had anything like it.
No matter how big or small
All I've felt is Bliss.
have I not seen through you?
Emily Katherine Sep 2014
You were born like a bullet from a gun with that much tenacity and silver in your blood/ a baby girl given to a world and a family too eager to end/ fated to live a life filled with fear/ you had courage and a set of arrows in your arsenal/  in a small town you found friendship in girl hidden within herself/ and loved a boy with golden eyes and good intentions/ you were scared but you were happy and fell into his arms along with harms way/ little did you know your stay would soon soil in tragedy and grief/ before you even had the chance to graduate/"Can't I be strong and go to prom?"/ an angel among demons/ you fought like Hell against the darkness that claimed the hearts of your mother/ your aunt/ your grandfather/ where was the loyalty when your loved ones left you for dead?/ a young huntress grasping for her chance to maintain the matriarchy and still keep peace/ everything you were taught had to be abandoned in order to protect your friends/ your friends, the only family that ever felt like home/ and they looked to you for strength/ they came to you in strife/ they clung to you in danger/ you heard the screams of your best friend pierce the night more than you heard her laughter/ you remember how she told you to smile/ you remember how she taught you to hold on to better parts of yourself/ you hear your father tell you he is proud/ he is so proud of you and all that you have sacrificed/ but you had no choice/ there was never an option or an exit sign glowing in the distance/ you stuck to your morals with persistence/ "we protect those who cannot protect themselves"/ but tell me who exactly was protecting you?/ the heroine of the hysteria/ the knight in all her honor/ who died in the arms of a man/ at the hands of another man/ i will never forget you and i will never understand/ you were everything that we needed/ i will not see your image ******
yeah this is about the Teen Wolf character Allison Argent, i love her and i think it ***** they killed off her character while Jackson gets to go to London

— The End —