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 Jan 2015 Sydney Victoria
It felt like floating on the river with a wrinkly skin,
Akin to the corpse burying its sins deep within,
Life was like a gazebo in a dilapidated garden,
There will be reconstruction, if she let go off the burden.

It felt like being struck right deep into the soul
Suffocated and heated with a burning coal
Life has been like living in hell
Thinking she was already in heaven but she fell.

It felt tattered and drained out, limping every step towards life,
Appearing red stains and wounds by a knife,
Collecting the pieces haplessly, relieving the pain,
She wanted to feel the sunshine and kiss the rain.*

It felt like drowing in a vast ocean of depression
Heart suffering from lingering oppression
But her smile never fades away
Getting stronger day by day.
Another collab with another amazing poet :)

Bluestarfall in bold
Blythe in italics
 Jan 2015 Sydney Victoria
Sweet gentle daughter of dreaming blue eyes
Reflecting visions from some distant sphere;
Untainted by nightmares of icy fear,
Nor saddened yet by fate's mocking disguise.
Unopened book of fickle tomorrow,
Not certain of how future may unfold,
With hours of lead or hours of molten gold;
Unenlightened yet by unknown sorrow.
Sands rush through the hourglass of wasted years,
While breaking our young hearts with shattered dreams.
The clock of life wrings disappointed tears,
Unhampered by our plans and clever schemes.
Beware grim reaper swinging ***** blade
Who mocks thee as childhood days slowly fade.

© Hilda September 20, 2014 4:48 PM
Dedicated to my dear daughter Marian.
 Jan 2015 Sydney Victoria
Born of sea
Starlight birthed in her eyes
In the ephemeral breath of time
She walks along the shore
With no trace of footprints to be seen

Wrote This Today!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Dedicated To Hilda My Mom!!! ~~~~~<3
 Jan 2015 Sydney Victoria
I have had a nice
Thanksgiving Day this year by
Countin' my blessings.

{ Weasel }
This is true!
Hope you enjoy.
I'm just startin' to write again.
Thank you for reading!
Poem 22.
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
I look for words in the dark,
My thoughts were trigger by you
My Island soul knows no malice, until
negative thinking roams around in my head
It defines who I am, so I became the poem
And the poem became my affinity
to the nature of poetry
Fire bun, fire bun
Blaze dem Jah, purge dem ya hayed!

They came to my Island to feel
the warmth of the sunshine
as for me I visited a very difficult country
to become its shadow
I look for words in the dark:
My Island soul knows no malice
Only kinship with all life
I walk in my own little world
Not quite normal
I never really understood society
And it's people
Humans and their requirements
They made up unspoken rules
And I saw contradictions in everything
Life was hypocritical
And people played a game
Distracted by trivial things
Like when you throw a dog a bone
And he forgets to guard his owner
What are they doing here
Everything but nothing
Surrounded yet all alone
They have all the necessities
Still they are poor
Empty and all alone
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