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 May 2014 Amber Bent
ask your blood
your limbs, your breathing feet
what Poetry is -
a phylogenetic anomaly
in light’s discontinuity

or just…
the strange yearning of hematopoiesis

ask the silence in your lungs
the bursting DNA, reinterpreted
how it allures memory inside your bones
how it treads conventions of sleep
with the weight of a sigh

if you ask me
what Poetry is
I’d say: breath calligraphy
a winged dream of depth
on enchanted retina
the bitter-sweet art of airy harmony

ask your hands
what Poetry is
perhaps they’ll take a moment
to bloom
 Apr 2014 Amber Bent
Raphael Uzor
Went swimming today...

Tried hard to recall
Body movements and all
Front stroke, backstroke
Butterfly and stuff.

Bared bodies and bikinis
Adorned the sparkling fluid
Everywhere I looked,
There was beauty to behold
With each dive I took,
I tried to mind my business
But try as I may,
Trouble seemed to find me
Distracting my every move.

This one in particular
She swam like a shark
Causing ungodly waves
With bold flirty gestures
Causing explosions within
For seasons have rolled by
Since my last contact
With such forbidden fruits.

Under water currents,
Acting in her favor
Every stare a bullet,
Every touch- electric!
Killing my morals
Tearing down my walls
Awakening buried desires
Desires- sinful and ******
I became her mark
She, my kryptonite!
Blurring biblical views
Igniting unholy fires.

She trapped me in a corner
Possessing me to herself
She seemed so young to me
Yet she conquered my will.
Everything I stood for,
She crushed, and made me swim
In ripples from her alone.
And as my conscience rattled,
To *swim
or not to swim,
She stared me in the eyes
And kissed me on the cheek!

And for a second or less
In those shallow cold waters
I felt a sweat breakthrough
On my already wet forehead.

And after this dark journey,
When time came to leave
I didn't get her number
And she didn't ask for mine.
I went home thinking
What was all that about!?!
Now I'm indoors alone
Thoughts of her haunt me
As my conscience bleeds
Reminding me of my sins!

Will I see her again?
I hope not! Maybe
I can't even remember her name
Thankfully so! Maybe
And though she seemed so harmless,
My faith must I amend!
What can I say? **** happens!
 Apr 2014 Amber Bent
Misha Kroon
Lets compare scars.
Mine are in my mind.
Yours are on your wrists.

Lets compare feelings.
Mine are trapped in a corner of my mind slowly chocking me inside.
Yours are plain to see, splashed on the art you left on your arms.

Lets compare thoughts.
Mine weave in and out of everything slow tainting my hope.
Yours are to much to handle so you bathe in your blood.

Lets compare hope.
Mine is that I can make it till tomorrow.
Yours is that you make it each minute.

Lets compare ourselves.
We’re both in pain.
But who will chose to show it?

Lets Compare Scars.
Who’s are worse?

This is really old, but It meant a lot when I wrote it ... So I like it... Its a little cringey though :c xD
Just breathe
If you can't do anything else
Just breathe
Even if I have to do it for you
Just breathe
I was thinking multiple things when I wrote this

amus Back

teel-ly lugu
bri ous



 Apr 2014 Amber Bent
Jonny Angel
She's dark, yet
moonlight glows
inside her soft-eyes
& despite her
I still want
her blackness,
to taste her magic,
to kiss
the devil inside her.
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