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 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
Paper Plane
 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
we're like paper.
we can be cut into a million pieces,
shredded by machines,
and forgotten by all.

we are like paper.
we can bring people together,
become beautiful creations,
and fly away.
fly away like a little paper plane
 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
Hearts can be round or sharp,
long or fat,
whole or broken.
Broken hearts happen before whole hearts.
Hearts can be thin or heavy,
big or small,
light or black.
Hearts are all light to begin with.

Only you can control them.
Ugh, my random ****** writing...
 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
 Jun 2018 Tara
AAron Roz
D.  N.  A.
do not antagonize
 Jun 2018 Tara
i've always wanted to introduce you to all my friends
we sacrifice ourselves just to break ends
we're abused
we're confused
and maybe feeling a little used
welcome to hell as you've never seen it before.
it's under new management.
we hope you enjoy your stay.

— The End —