I used to think I was temporary.
in people's lives, in relationships, in everything.
I used to think I was as temporary as the flowers who only stay on the trees for a couple of weeks- beautiful, but only for a second.
beautiful & loved, but only until I fell apart, fell down.
I'm blooming again, but I don't want to be temporary.
I want what I become after the beauty passes to be as loved as it was before.
I can't do temporary anymore.
I need permanent.
I don't write as well anymore as I did when I was sad. I don't write as much anymore as when I was sad. I don't think I opened a notebook to write in in months.
I've been happy lately. and when I'm happy, I found I don't need to write about it. I like to live in the moment. I take more pictures when I'm happy. when I'm sad, I write.
I wrote this after 5 months with my boyfriend. after realizing that as of right now, we're not temporary in each other's lives, like my usual relationships. we love each other so much that the thought of being temporary is terrifying.
(tiny update there)