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  Aug 2014 Sue Violetta
August started out like all the other months, there had been so many
The highs and lows of many seasons
saw my pockets spent of just a penny
Saw my recollections stacked to amount to rubble,  just prized as memories
And pieces of puzzles, ill fitted together, produced gaps within my psyche
Crossroads bring me to a full stop
I'm haunted by the ghosts that linger
Pointing this way and that way, back the way I came, demanding I stand

right here

But I've been down this road before

It's littered with the pieces of me that died, and became just carrion
But like a Phenix, burning deep inside
I flicked off the ash and moved on

Singing my Swan Song

and     I       cry

Your drugs don't let me sleep at night
Your love just leaves me cold
The road I took, just last lifetime
Left me broken and bitter old

Better luck I find, on an old but familiar road, I may have walked it all before
*But I left the story untold
Sue Violetta Aug 2014
New day
New life
New anything

But where are you ?
The light doesn't reach
The night of your soul
The darkness of your despair
The crushing  weight of your  pain.
I am calling you
Often in vain
I hear you breathe
I hear you cry
So far away
I want to stop your hurt
I don't know how
Take my hand
It's here
For you !

At the dawn of your life
I gave  my freedom for you.
Not a sacrifice
A gift !
My freedom means nothing
Without you.

Now the dawn is calling
Can you hear ?
It is morning !
I am near
The Black Dog will shy away
Don't trade your pain for Nothing.
Because that's what it would be
for you.
If you leave this valley of tears
All will end.
The beautiful paintings
Still waiting
Will never  be.
Please,  take my hand
It's here
For you

The love of a man
The love of winning
The love for the arts
Are nothing
Next  to the love  of a mother
for you !
My loved one was in a hospital, sick.
Sue Violetta Aug 2014
You don't know me.
Your life is a fight
to breathe,  to move,
to live.
But not to love.
You love as much as I do,
as anyone.
Only your ills are here
for all to see.

you came here
wanting for air and in pain.
My hands are no comfort to you
searching for a vein.
in order to help
I need to know you better
and more intimately
than your lover
or your muse.
I know your blood, your DNA,
your molecules.

I can see the mistakes
Nature has made.
They can be set right
and you can be free,
your life slowly to return.

I know all that about you
Yet -
you are a stranger to me.
Your pulse is on my screen
weaving a long line
But -
your heart is not mine.
You love HER
from afar,
glowing in her smile,
knowing beauty once more,
writing poems
for us all!
I know all that about the shell of your body.

SHE knows your soul.
I love my job.
Sue Violetta Aug 2014
How do you know
this is it ?
Who do you ask ?
Next to me only an empty seat.
Try, try  and try !
Just don't quit !
Just trying to figure out how does this work.

— The End —