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Simply Wanting

Our need was evident
Simply wanting
a shared dream
lost in passions paradox
between the crevices of paragon
kisses so bent around the others dreamy night
lure of diamond light insight with the other
in a tortured love song our need
simply wanting the love of you..

she lifts me up
when i am down

she holds me tight
when she's around

she calms me down
when i am shaking

she's solid ground
when my world is quaking

she is the rope
when i'm on the ledge

she is the hope
when there's nothing left

she is the light
that shadows my path

she is the sound
when it is i laugh

she is the song
that plays in my head

she is the all
when there's nothing left

she is the time
that i can not waste

and she is mine
till the end of days
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