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Stephen Knox Sep 8
All of the fear, has now drained out of me.
Echoing love, in any direction I see.

People that look at me, often times stare.
Wondering how, that I haven’t a care.

All of these things, and the changes I’ve met.
Empowering myself, to remove all regret.

Repelled or attracted is what they will feel.
Buried inside them, are things to reveal.

There are layers of reality, that are governed by force.
The others are parallel, linked directly to source.

When connecting with one, you’ll immediately know.
The division of worlds, is beginning to show.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
The creation of three comes from the two.
Binding together, in ways nobody knew.

The two become one thus making it three.
Transforming us into what it’s all meant to be.

Layer after layer, both near and afar.
Designing and building the conscious being you are.

The creator is give and the creation is take.
Combining us into this space that we make.

At odds with each other, always testing the space.
Making it look like it’s somehow a race.

Split down the middle, each has their side.
Entering the light from the dark times we hide.

This synchronic balance gets everything right.
Working together without causing a fight.

If we look at the all, we see one as a whole.
Knowing things above also happen below.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Entering a town without knowing a soul, can always go hit or go miss.
So God led me here, right to this group, familiar as a long forgotten kiss.

Opening your doors to let me be a part, showing me the love that you spread.
Seeing all these people, connected to you, as if by an invisible thread.

So lucky I feel, having come this place full of people all gathered in love.
This special connection you share with each other must certainly have come from above.

A month has gone fast but I know in my heart, how our valuable time has been spent.
Serving those in need can take many forms , even helping them find next months rent.

Sometimes during a difficult moment, an argument can ensue.
But within a day it’s all squared away,  and your friendship is stronger than new.

Leaving this place will sting quite a bit,   I’ve grown quite fond of you all.
But places to go and people to see, is the journey of the wanderers call.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
As the world’s greatest poet, that the world has never known.
It allows me to stroll seamlessly, in any town I roam.

Talk to people, tell my shmele, show them where it’s at.
Some will light up in their eyes and some just say nice hat.

When I ask to read a poem, often they will say.
That’s not what we do here during, any time of day.

Stifled and constricted I promptly move along.
Seeing if the next town, wants to hear my song.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
When looking for God, the things seen are that.
Always a top, any perception I’m at.

Step into his shoes and he steps above.
Feeling what’s left, an abundance of love.

Kicking the tires, on this giant of a me.
Pulling out ideas, of how it’s all meant to be.

Walking held high no longer stumbling around.
Showing my true self, without making a sound.

Doing my best and giving my all.
Opening myself, for that love comes to call.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
This journey of self on the inside and out.
Is made by having faith where you felt only doubt.

To get yourself aligned with the here and the now.
Stop all your thinking about all the why and the how.

Feeling no fear brings you right to the top.
Flow like a river they’re unable to stop.

Give yourself time to work it all through.
Release old ideas to find the real you.

Connecting with people to help you along.
Will change all your feelings of being weak to just strong.

Beginning this process can be started today.
Notice how quickly you’ll find the middle way.
Stephen Knox Sep 8
Falling deep inward, with consciousness clear.
Connecting with everything, having no fear.

To ruminate on things, will become such a bore.
When by looking inside, you’ll see so much more.

Be what you want because that’s who you are.  
Free as a fire fly, that escaped from its jar.

Find thoughts and ideas, so fresh and so new.
Releasing the hang-ups, you never outgrew.

Become your true self, to let everyone know.
The changes upon us are beginning to show.
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