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 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
you were sitting on a chair, in a shallow pool. your feet were submerged. everything was grey and blue. she approached you and started kissing you, like really kissing you. but it wasn't her. it was her memory-ghost.
i don't know.
i was next to you. i kissed your neck. slowly, and surely. like your skin was going to provide a better future for me.
i kissed your shoulder. then, your collarbone, your throat. i wanted you to know i was going to win you over with these kisses,
and then
it was just us. our two mouths, submerged in our pool of water, our own world. it was slow, careful, heavy.
then i pushed you backwards in your chair, to see
if you would get up. to see how badly you wanted me again.
If I were to leave this world today I'd want to be remembered it's true,
for going that extra mile just to show my love for you.
I'd want for you to be proud of me and know I always tried,
when you hurt I did too, your tears I also cried.
I'd want you to be compassionate to never turn away,
from someone who might need a hug or encouragement one day.
I'd want you to know I'm sorry if I ever caused you pain,
I hope you'd learn from my mistakes and
forgive me just the same.
There are no second chances when God
says it's time to go,
we only have today to let our feelings show.
Remember this when you say your prayers and count your blessings tonight,
and treasure every precious moment God gives you in this life.
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 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
It shakes me to the core
This breathtaking desire
Passion never felt before

I never thought to soar
On this feeling you inspire
It shakes me to the core

I crave it all the more
As it sets my soul on fire
Passion never felt before

Electricity outpours
Fingers touching this live wire
It shakes me to the core

A ****** rapport
That cannot be acquired
Passion never felt before

And as we explore
I set my heart upon the pyre
It shakes me to the core
Passion never felt before
It came softly warm, mist of fragrant showers
garden flowers of parchment petals
drank of sun, of moon, of rain
silent the Perseid showers
a falling sea of rain
sparkling in the night sky.
The day spins wildly as I once again think,
I must get my ducks in a row,
The words flow through my fingertips as I dash another line out,
Poetry, endless poetry,
But I haven't gotten my ducks in a row.

The ducks...a fulfilling job,
The perfect girlfriend and body,
I want no love handles in sight,
And that would be more than alright.

No unsightly veins, no rippling skin,
All I want is just to be average to thin,
The scale, my old nemesis,
Still reads fifteen stone,
I moan.
This was inspired by the movie A Lot Like Love that I watched the other day. I don't want to spoil it if you haven't seen it, so I'll just say the main character says he wants to get "all his ducks in a row".
 Jul 2015 stéphane noir
All the happy songs are just making me sadder these days
Cause somewhere down inside of me
Something way too deep, and out of sight
Needs to be pulled out
And I'm getting a stronger feeling everyday
That I can't do that alone
So darling won't you throw me a bone
Didn't ever want it to come down to dog fetch

And all these feelings come to me quite random
Cause I'm not the pilot of my mind
But I can hear him and he's going down
Mayday I can hear him breaking sound

And I'm feeling like I'm gonna die someday,
And I'm feeling like a fool
When I see you walking by and I let you go
I don't even know who you are
But you are a euphemism for me
Because pessimism isn't just in my head

This isn't a drill
The bomb is real
And I've been tucking my head in between my knees
This isn't a drill, I need
på et øde sted
som ej er kendt af

der brænder to triste hjerter
en tankestreg forbinder dem
men tager ej hinanden til sig

og mørket ligger som et tæppe
varmer triste hjerter
på en kold og blæsende
juli nat

"de mennesker du har mistet
bær' en del af dem i dig
og sørg over
af dem
for hele dem
betyder noget
for hele dig"

og sorgen var bundet
som en knude
en bristende én
som et for løst bundet snørebånd
og selvom ordene flød fra ligeså triste munde
saltede af fortids minder
var kun stilheden nødvendig
for at forstå
at her kunne triste hjerter
og føle i fællesskab
og alt ville være helt ok

i nattens sidste time
brændte et let kys
på mundvigen

givet i hemmelighed
taget imod med en åbenhed
som hele verden
ville kunne se fra stjernernes
lys i mørket

tankestregen forbandt dem ej
men de åbne sår helede sammen
den nat i en omfavnelse

fra to triste hjerter
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