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 Apr 2014 ani
Joshua Haines
Upon the stale wind, her body flails again
I came walking through the field
to learn about compassion
She was blonde and the last heart in town
The moon bathed her from within
What a loveless dream from that tree
touching God's skin.

Her feet above my head, painted in mud and above the sugarcane
And if I didn't love her so, I'd be able to walk from this pain
But I recall her warm breath the last time we kissed
The air tasted of a broken soul that I failed to fix

Blood under her nails, scratching freedom too slow
If she was yelling for my name, then I'd rather not know
It might as well been me who hung her above the stars
I did not give her enough of me and it will haunt me for years
 Apr 2014 ani
Helluva drug
 Apr 2014 ani
I would
Bet my life
Has nothing
On You

©Tina Thompson
My first 10 word poem
 Mar 2012 ani
 Mar 2012 ani
Your soul's own value
Is beyond what you can dream
We are infinite.

Don't limit to words
Do what you thought you couldn't
Every step made counts.

My purpose is grand
Not to say that yours is not
Let's stand together

Blind us to what is
You're beautiful how you are

They can hurt and deceive us
See life, for yourself.
 Mar 2012 ani
 Mar 2012 ani
I plant my words into potted soil
Water them with just enough water
And give them just enough sun
Hoping that they will germinate
And when that seed begins to sprout
I will sow my verses into the ground
And watch them grow
Into beautiful works of poetry
 Mar 2012 ani
Thin as piper
Was your whisper
The chill from a passing ghost
Someone just
Stepped on your grave
And hung a black cat crossed the street
Stepping ******* the cracks
Spilling salt

They say its bad luck to break a mirror
And even worse to be reflected
In the shattered remains

They say don't sleep with your feet sticking out from
Under a blanket
Because demons with
Skeleton hands
Will reach right up and take you

That's why I let sleeping dogs lie
Why I never **** pointing east
And don't you dare smoke one cigarette
Before flipping the pack
Inspired by a friend who explained that buying white bic lighters is bad luck
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