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souletry Dec 2024
you've been sitting in my head for a month now
the least you could do is scrub our memories off the
sides of my brain.
i pick the hairs that stand up whenever someone says your name.
Its like a cold breeze on the back of my neck
not refreshing
the kind that puts fear in your heart
as i walk down the street your shadow follows me
up until i make it back home, you’ll rest in my head
and i’ll never get any sleep
when i wake up in the morning your already there
still engraving your name into my brain
where the physical parts of you are still in your room
doing whatever it is your doing without me
and i can’t help but wonder
do i have my own room in your house of thoughts
do you go down our halls of memories
and fix the pictures frames that are slightly crooked with a faint smile.
hopefully everything isn’t packed up in boxes
labeled with the word fragile in red ink.
you’ve always been sitting in my head
you don’t have to trim the nostalgia off the branches
of our tree in the back yard.
i’ll sit under it and look up to see the sun-rays peak through
and with a blink of an eye
i pull myself out of my head and yearn for the day you come back home.
home isn't 3000 bricks put together with clay my home is a soul connected to flesh and bone, and he has no idea who he is to me.
souletry Dec 2024
what if we actually committed to our
and engage in potent intrusive thoughts
what if i opened my head and let you hear
the whispers of my desires
would you listen?
i caress the right side of your face
pull myself into your pierced ears
and i tell you that im corrupted
through my veins isn't blood
i do not bleed red
i've bled out completely
ive bled out on others who didn't pierce me
with a blade
on other's who didn't cut me
and i tell you that
i've traveled hours from home
and attempted to grab my last breath
in a new city
I can never get away from myself

What if we became what we are so afraid to feel
let's lose any sense of ground
we thought we stood upon
what if we became the people who hurt us
and let hurt do what it does best
i caress the left side of your face
and pull myself into your bare ear

and i tell you that im angry
ive been angry at so many things that
i was never upset about to begin with
and that there's this vexation
i begin to whisper so quietly with loud words
i tell you i want to disappear
i tell you i want to get away from the things
that wreck my mind
but i stand hand in hand
in comfort with my pain because she is the only
one who knows me inside in.

But what if we let go of the hand that hurts us
learn to forgive ourselves for experiencing
the good type of pain that feels goods
and ruins you
what if become what we deeply wanted
a vessel of happiness
a symbol of healing
what if we accepted what society could not
and pour into ourselves and sew up our own wounds
I caress myself
i push back my hair
feel my lips and stare at my reflection
i lean forward
and I tell myself that im sorry.
you have to forgive yourself to forgive another.
souletry Dec 2024
close your eyes
press your forehead against mine
let your physical body drown into the earth
allow your soul to tighten with mine
and as we float up to the empyrean that appears a little brighter tonight.
we sit on the star that’s closest to the moon
and paint our story for everyone below to see.
for they are the ones who could only imagine
the impossible,
and we are the only 2 that could make it so.
and while im writing your name between the sky and the horizon
the moon starts to look different
and before i can turn to you
im back in my vessel
staring at the moon through my window
wishing you knew how much i love you
so i wouldn’t have to keep expressing myself to the stars.
cant believe we’re under the same sky, but we’ll never be on the same page.
souletry Dec 2024
It is 5 minutes until 1:00 am, and I know my head will keep me up to 3.
my mind overwhelms itself.
and hates me for doing nothing about it.

It is now 1 and the same thoughts I had 5 minutes ago.
are now shown falling from my eyes, down my cheeks.
I am truly my worst enemy.
everyone talks about the healing process but not the dread.
that clanks around your ankles after.

I was a broken vase, not filled with roses or tulips.
Not loaded with water.
The pieces of glass, pieces of me I placed together.
(you can still see my cracks)
I am now an empty vase, and no one will grant me the presence of flowers.

It is now 11 minutes into 1 and happiness only pervaded-
when I went out with friends.
Is happiness just laughter and creating memories?
I guess I'll never know.

It is now 1:15
and I'm still not ok with anything I write.
I am still not ok with myself, at least I don't hate who she is anymore.
I am still not ok with how I love, how I express affection.
I am still not okay with how my mother treated me.
I'm not fine with anything at all.
No matter how many times I splatter my mind on these pages.
I won't feel okay.

I waited 16 years to finally feel something new, and at least I got what I wanted.
but this state of feeling and containing nothing is still familiar.

It is 1:30 
My mind is now vacant but only because I have occupied myself with creating.
Still disappointed with each piece I make.
It is the only outlet I have to escape from my experiences unless there’s a blunt
in my hand.
I do not wish for peace anymore, just a hand to hold and maybe a new lighter.
It has been 50 minutes, and I am still writing.

Still wishing to ring myself out like a drenched rag.
and to watch my thoughts, attempts, things I did, said, could have, wouldn't-
circle into a big puddle that dries away.
I know it is not that easy.
but to believe my placing here was not a mistake is hard.

7 minutes until 2
I feel slightly better, but the kind of better that will allow me to rest.
It is now 2:00, and I'm 358 words in, this poem will never be let out, and I am still here-

disconnected from myself and ambivalence fills the space in-between.
i hope someone out there feels each word within this poem and forgive yourself now if you do relate <3
souletry Dec 2024
I created a finger-painted world that revolves around you.

and after every 5th orbit the world, I built stopped.

I drew out possibilities of us that would never touch the present.

and after my mind could not be sharpened anymore, I could not draw out any more futures.

but instead, I wrote out what could have been.

I wrote poems, letters, books, journals...but while we ended my pieces did not.

My art still lives, and the patterns are dulling.

What is an artist to do with no muse, I drown in all of my pieces, each canvas, each blank space, each untouched page.

I tossed away paint brushes, pencils, unused ink, my creativity held nothing but dejection with each reminder.

I cannot write anymore.

I am not able to create, and writer's block is the least I can say.

and I snap my feet and I click my hands, and you're still not back again.

I put one in the air and paint myself every shade of blue and outline myself despondent.

and I remember the oceans of fluctuations I used to dip myself in and the compliments you left on my head by your lips, but we never kissed.

And the ocean is empty now, there's nothing to dip myself in, I am an artist who is blue with no muse.

and I'm left in a room of with every piece I ever created spiraling around me.

I sit and feel every color of emotion I ever painted out, I let the hues consume me.

I let the tones take me as I am.

As I put so much life into my creations and I watch my own emotions dance on the page

I think of the muse who inspired me to do so, my muse who is not here to drop inspiration.

My muse who changes the color of my soul.

My muse who I grieve, who's not dead, but isn't here anymore.

What is an artist to do without her muse.
i bought a new paintbrush.
souletry Dec 2024
would you like for me to soften?
I'm sorry my words aren't warm to the touch anymore.
I'm sorry my tone doesn't wrap around your ears to help you doze off.
I have tied myself with an invulnerable rope.
and once more I'm sorry I cannot be undone.
because having a soft soul does not mean anything to a lost one.
my words we're not enough to make one change how I was treated.
and communication only overcomes all if one listens.
loving loudly fills the empty room with embarrassment.
I've learned that it does not mean to find a different room.
(I love so quietly now)
Would you like for me to soften?
tell you all the things I admire about you.
write poems about your persona (you will never read them.)
tell you good morning, goodnight.
call you every day, wish you safe travels with each step you take out the door.
I will not soften.
it will cure me fragile and leave me blind.
I was left in the cold with nothing but realization and a frozen heart.
so, every warm room I step into, I'll stay cold.
because being warm-hearted left me burned.
it gave people the benefit of the doubt.
and me, nothing.
Would you like for me to learn how to soften again?
to love in the shades of pink.
to be vulnerable and melt in your attention.
every once in a while, indulge in the thought of your smile.
picture you before I sleep so if it is my last breath, I'll die happy.
I'm sorry I love so much bolder now.
to the point where you do not know if I care or not.
I do, but now my words are too cold for you to know.
I'm sorry I am not as soft as you would like me to be.
But you love me as I am, but I won't ever-
be gentle with how I love so you can see what I can become.
first upload from the vault lol

— The End —