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I've got this mask that i'm wearing
It'd be daring
If I were to be sharing
As no one is caring
They're all staring
As I am declaring
That i will be tearing
this mask off repairing
What I have become.
Behind this smiling mask i'm sad
And might I add
I'm not glad
I'm kinda mad.
Behind this mask I'm not the same
And I'm the one to blame
I was to aim
For fame
And now I'm in shame
I wrote this just to get some things off my chest.
i go to school everyday with this smiling mask on my face but behind the mask im in pain, i'm depressed, and nobody has seen me with my mask off. i dont think any of them are every going to see this.
 Oct 2018 so okay poems
It's the days when you don’t cry,
But you don’t smile either.

It’s the days when you’re quieter than usual,
And people notice.

It’s the days when you aren’t quite thinking about anything.

But if someone asked you what was wrong,
You wouldn’t know where to start.

— The End —