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At all times
We are loved
At all times
We are looking
Inside trying to
find the truth
At all times
We doubt
We wonder
Why we are here
At all times
We question
We wonder
Why things
Are the way
They are
At all times
We must
We are whole
We are loved
To make it
Through the day
You must
At all times
My friend so
You can make
It through the day
Never forget the
Lessons from your past
At all times
Never let go
Of who you are inside.
Something to remember.
my arms red from the armpits down
I exercise daily  my head
get plenty of pysical
endurance workout the cardio
from making others abodes
from seven am to six at dusk
mark a straight chalk line from about seven o'clock
as my time
that few hours I stretch  the synapses the electrical
impulses in my head to think about the greater possibilities
of someday building a temple for those like me
that make a good hand out of what they've been dealt
when playing spades I get everything but
when playing hearts I go bust
the suntan the aching legs the bulge of a hard day's work
certainly makes my temple stronger
the after seven exercising my human ability to imagine
is my life's bread
I wake
And thank all the gods
(As yet unnamed)

That you may be here

 Apr 2017 Sonja Benskin Mesher
sleepless midnight
crisp evening air
turquoise darkness
figures, waiting
painted the dawn
swirling blue
dreams, pooling
caramel lullaby
vacant home
no longer alone
not only for Christians
ideas of coming back to life

    like older myths
    of fertility and rebirth

are infinitely attractive
I'll pass the huge cars
in colorful scarves

از ماشین های بزرگ می گذرم
...و روسری های رنگی خواهم داشت پدربزرگ
to Jawahar Gupta... :-)
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