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 Jul 2015 Snigdha Banerjee
Arun C
Who would I be now
if I did that when

let me find a pen
and think of when

what measure a man
but the sum of his choices squared

what life we wear
is our choices striped bare

can you spare
a morality pair

bend to break
but never ever bend to lose shape

shattered pieces can be mended
thus it is as creation intended

but remember stray too far
away from your centering star

and you might lose your compunction
for form and function

some roads are only one way trips
and its never wise to book passage on a sinking ship

so go right go left
break good break bad but stay in step

Who would I be now
if I did that when?
Escaping to a dream from reality
A place where I stick through time
Somewhere I can be free and be myself
A place where I can’t feel; can’t breathe
No fear of anything
No worrying for anyone
People might say I am Heartless
Not because I save people
Nor because I am fighting for them
Because I am frozen
Exhausted from life
Deprived of emotions
Drained of sanity
Decimated of insanity
But I am the opposite
I know I feel because I save people
I don’t worry; I care
I fight because they are worth fighting for
I shut out all distractions
Because I am free
Because I am frozen in my time
That is my true strength
This is my release
My name is Keith and this is my
Fairy Tale
© Keith Lake 4/13/15
He can't seem to go on,
He doesn't seem too fine.
No one seems to notice
the Demons in his Mind.
He doesn't seem to care much,
He doesn't have much time.
You better take a good look,
Cause this will be his last crime.
He won't show his pain,
Cause no one seems to get.
He's just like another,
With Demons inside his Head.

- the boy who writes, Aks.
From your ordinary closet writer/poet.
Every poet should own at least one suicidal piece of poetry.

— The End —