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Sjr1000 Mar 2017
he won't shut up
when he's around
he wants to write everything
keeps on formulating phrases
couches into flying carpets
swearing that he's seen
the ground from the sky

The Poet
we never know what he's doing -
turning black sheep
into heaven
he's stuck on the inside
looking out

The Poet
he won't shut up
but when I really need him
he's no where to be found

when he wants what
he wants
in these poems of his
I know I'll wind up
embarrassed humiliated and forlorn

The Poet
when he's around
he won't shut up
he keeps going on and on

And when he's gone
  Mar 2017 Sjr1000
Lora Lee
essences of fire
and ice
        keep wanting
to burst out of me
it is so hard to know
where to end
how to start
           the rivulets
    the torrents
           turn them on like
                   a waterfall faucet
they are there,
the opposing elements
lurking, ready
just under surface
waiting to ooze, pour
secret inner filth
spilling endless
crusty lava
onto the naked
rough-hewn floor
along with purest
of lightbeam

hard to pinpoint
the moment
I knew I loved you
what love
is actually supposed to be
bubbling and frothing beneath
              ice floes, melting
                         hot wax sliding
                      I do not know how
                           to prevent this
          dripping exhaustion
of elongated membranes
from imploding
into the truest
form of encapsulated longing
sharpened pangs
upon the fibers
of my brain, of my heart
my pain in stop starts
stop no go on
I can't take it
I want it all
can you feel me?
I want it all, I say
thrumming hotly
           the last
wild drop
Sjr1000 Mar 2017
The human misery dept.
Is in full swing
Cold hearted and mean
Making people's lives feel miserable
As if they don't mean a thing.

Making it harder to go from here to there
More unreachable
More fearful
No compassion
No empathy

It's hard to get on
When the time has come
And not yet passed,

But time moves on and nothing is forever.

Better hold on.

Nuclear winds blow
And like the weather man said
The winds they blow everywhere

The human misery dept.'s busy
Maybe it always is
One of these days
We'll shut it down
And that'll be the way it is.
  Mar 2017 Sjr1000
I tinker
I overthink
I mull over
I sink

I entertain
I disassemble
I ascertain
I gamble

I play
I rewind
I play again
And again
I find

I reassemble
Still I sink
I'm in battle
When I overthink
Sjr1000 Mar 2017
Memories come upon one
Like a sneaker wave
Dragging you under
And up into the spin cycle

Many moments
Many names
Many times through memories

The deepest loves
The most painful hurts
Never to be unchained

Emotional visions
Briefly three dimensional
And rushing back out
Into the riptides of
unconscious seas

It gives one pause
To remember
And believe
it really
Happened to me.
Sjr1000 Mar 2017
Where are you going
What are you doing
Where have you been
What are you trying to do?

Are you lost
Are you found
Have you forgotten what it is
to be around?

Are you
Alone in your room


Together with one roommate
too many

Are you trapped alone,
Trapped together?

Do you remember who
you're supposed to be
Don't you have a clue?

I know,
There is no magic sentence
to make it all okay

In the end
we'll all have the end
And I guess
with me,

We'll see.
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