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Nov 2015 · 381
Into the Night
Sierra Nov 2015
Don’t rejoice too soon.

i wanted to describe
to You my death,
but it was all in vain.
our terror could no longer be contained.
what did it matter,
our minds numb with indifference,
i listened as the voice rose,
powerful yet broken

amid the weeps,
the sobs,
the sighing,
as though the strength
to uncover the melody
was stifled in his throat.

what did it matter,
the night was growing longer, never-ending,
no need of sick,
no need,
no need of me,

i’m getting weak,
my strength is gone,
i won’t make it.

don’t give in,
You must resist,
don’t lose Your faith,

today is little paradise,
You at least have pity on me.
the sighing of the entire congregation,
“all earth and universe are God’s!”
I want to enter this for a poetry contest, so please be harsh and help me make it better!
Apr 2015 · 548
Sierra Apr 2015
Ignore my requests
instead of tempting my heart
with your happiness.
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Solicitous Adversary
Sierra Oct 2014
From whence do you derive your power,
you mysterious luminary?
You impede my thoughts
leave me gasping for your attention
I'm too far gone
to resist your touch.
Your selfishness owns me.
Your devious smile beckons,
and though I turn towards the door.
I can't go.
Aug 2011 · 1.1k
Queiro amarte
Sierra Aug 2011
Quiero amarte
¿Por qué?
¿por qué.....?
Haces mi vida muy difícil
y estoy loco
mientras sientas y ríe
a mi tontería.
Quiero quererte
Queiro amarte
pero no puedo.
Sierra Aug 2011
How is it that every time I'm finally at peace
whether I'm sitting in my room
or alone at the beach
when all that's on my mind is nothing
and my heart beats slowly
You enter my mind
It's like you know that I'm...I'm...
(well there's nothing else to describe it)
And you know what that makes me?
Aug 2011 · 425
Sierra Aug 2011
I thought we were perfect
It was more like having a best friend
I saw you every day
Our conversations had no end
But lately when I smile
You turn away
I just don't get the feeling we're okay
I don't want to be selfish
But I have to know that you still want me
We used to laugh for hours
Other times you'd bring me flowers
We were just two kids
Slowly falling in love
When you kissed me I felt power
Full of joy and happiness
I know we fought be I never wished for all of this
This is lyrics to a song
Aug 2011 · 515
My Turn?
Sierra Aug 2011
ive held back the tears for so long
i didnt cry when he quit

or when my dreams were crushed
year after year after year

i didn't wail when i ached
or when i let myself down

i didnt ask for pity
or have others mend my mistakes

i just put on a different face and
made it through one more day

i worked hard without thank yous
and did as i was told

so when is it my time
to finally show my feelings

to be held
when i weep

to tell someone
whats going wrong

how it changed all of me
and why i didnt stop it

is it ever mine?
Aug 2011 · 538
And I Think You
Sierra Aug 2011
I don't think that we'd ever talked before
And I think you took advantage of that
You've got good looks
And I think that you blinded my conscious
We only talked over the phone
And I think that made it easier for you to leave
I opened up my heart
And I think you don't understand how hard that is
I wanted you to call
And I think you didn't realize that
You stopped talking to me
And I think you overlooked my pain
You went for my friend
And I think it hurt me
You told her about us and how we were "No big deal"
And I think I thought I felt differently
I heard you're going out
And I know it makes me want to cry
Aug 2011 · 602
Just You and Me
Sierra Aug 2011
Right now I'm not very old
but this has been going on since I was 12
I fell for you before I even realized it
and now every time I see you my heart bursts

I know I try to play it cool, but if my parents weren’t around
I would tell you how I really feel
and I know that if you loved me too
you would wait until we can be alone

My worst fear is that you will stop loving me
and I’ll be left here
still wanting you
and when I think about that I feel sick

and I know that I’m still a child
and this probably isn’t true love
but it’s the closest thing that I have right now
and I even think about marrying you sometimes

every time I see you
you take my breath away
but at the same time
I can still have real conversations with you

And when you are with other people
it takes every ounce of my body
not to run and be right next to you
and steal you away from them

I know you think I hate it when you poke me
but I love the fact that you touch me
and then when i pull your hand from my side
just for a second you’re holding my hand

and I just wish that the world would
pause, and stop spinning
so we could stay in that moment
for just a little longer

but you just keep walking
and leave me standing there
alone, by myself
acting like a little child

I hate every time that I see
that you’re in a relationship
but you still act just like
I’m still yours

Because I want to be the only thing
that you want
and have
and need

My friends have never met you
and that’s probably for the better
because I can keep you a secret
my treasure only

my friends all think that I’m exaggerating
but the truth is
I tell them every thing that happens
no lie

because that’s just what we have
a relationship that doesn’t need
to be some large hyperbole
and that is just alright with me
Aug 2011 · 511
As the World Sees It
Sierra Aug 2011
as the world sees it
it is nothing but dirt
brown and cracked
after a harsh winter without the sun

as the world sees it
it is nothing but water
plain and flavorless
a last resort drink

as the world sees it
it is nothing but a seed
food for the birds
easily mistaken for a pebble

as the world sees it
it is nothing but a mess of roots
thinly stretched out
and effortlessly pulled away

as the world sees it
it is nothing but weak
with slim chances of succeeding

but as i see it
it is soil
rich with nourishment
able to sustain life

and as i see it
it is vital
something that fuels and saves
and quenches those who thirst

and as i see it
it is life itself
together in one
prepared to grow

and as i see it
it is the base
what keeps us grounded
and pulls us back to earth

and as i see it
it is a flower
standing tall and proud
informing us
spring is back
Aug 2011 · 2.6k
The problem with education
Sierra Aug 2011
“You’re going to do it my way.”
And that is what’s wrong with the entire education system in the United States.
From a very early age, we’re taught that there’s only one way to do things. Only one way to learn to read, to write, to ride a bike. Everything must be done at a certain age. Not earlier, not later. And it all must be done one way.
I remember when I was taught how to write, that was probably the worst year of my life. There are plenty of adults I know now that can’t write half as well as I did then. But my teacher criticized and marked me down for each little mistake, and by the end of the year, when report cards came out, I got a check mark for not being as neat and beautiful as she thought I should be. But who is to tell an eight-year old that her hand writing is bad. That the loops at the ends of her a’s are wrong, after all she’s just being creative.

Every year the teachers give the whole “poetry is about being creative and expressing how you feel” speech.

Well do you want to know how I really feel. I feel like that unit is a load of crap. Because right after they tell you all about that, they give you directions on how you have to write a poem, counting out each individual syllable and making them rhyme. But I want things not to rhyme, I want to make someone cry by rhyming sunshine with raincloud and summer with winter and smile with tear. I want each stanza, wait, why should I even use stanzas if I don’t need them? I can have a million lines if I wanted because that’s what poetry is.

And art doesn’t have to be in the lines of the paper. Art isn’t meant to be taught, it’s meant to be experienced, learned, felt, made. Just because they colors don’t seem to “complement” or “represent” or “contrastment”. I’ll distemper you, too bad I don’t know what that means because I didn’t pay attention in your class.

And they teach you to do everything in your head, so as not to speak your mind, so when you get older you can keep opinions to yourself and fall below a power that is supposed to be above you.
There’s a problem with education. It’s that teachers have been taught the same thing they teach us without trying to change a thing.
Please, please, please comment

— The End —