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392 · Apr 2019
I am sick
Shrini Apr 2019
I need her to love me,
But I do not want to love her,
I only want her sensation, impermanent.
Oh how sick I have become!
I am convincing myself that loving her is a bad idea. I say, it is my need right now, but love is something altogether different. It is much more subtle than what can be created with her and me. It is not a good match. So I tell myself that do the right thing and leave her alone. But I still find myself uncontrollably trying to talk to her, seek her company. And I am so confused. Such a conflict.
338 · Apr 2019
Shrini Apr 2019
Thinking is not doing,
Doing is doing,
And lately,
I have been thinking a lot,
And it gets in the way of doing,
Whenever I make myself do,
All I am missing is the rest,
And to stop, look, rest and think...
239 · Apr 2019
Shrini Apr 2019
I have lost every time
But these tremors within say,
You are a miracle, you just wait.

— The End —