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ShowYouLove Dec 2018
As I turn my face again to you
I see your light come breaking through
In the darkness and the pain of life
And the sorrow that cuts like a knife
I look to you to help me through this hour
As I call upon your Heavenly Power
I turn my eyes again to see your face
And feel your presence fill this place
I see you stretched upon that cross
I see the love and I feel the loss
I try to fix my eyes on you
But I stumble and lose my way
Sometimes I get distracted it’s true
But as I practice it gets better each day
I know you still love me and call me your own
And even in the hard times I am never alone
I lift my gaze to the heavens a song will I sing
Glory and honor and praise to the Risen King
You have my undivided attention I am restored
Speak to your servant for he is listening Lord
I turn my face to you in humble form concealed
Through the eyes of love is this mystery revealed
Turn to me oh God your face do not hide
Please continue always to stay by my side
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
So you say you’re gonna need a reason
A reason if you’re gonna believe
You’ve got a long list and it’s not easin’
Lies and let downs, how you’ve been deceived
You say it’s a nice story, but how can it all be truth
You heard the words and read the tales
But now you want to see the proof
What good is this faith if logic has failed
Have you felt a hunger you could never satisfy
Have you ever felt had a chill in the middle of July
Did you ever wonder if life had purpose and meaning
Or pass by someone why was positively beaming
It’s a chance to be part of something greater
It’s a family you can turn to when things are looking grim
A place to love and be loved in plenty and in trim
Look at the beauty all around fill your lungs with air
If there is even the slightest chance that my life was not in vain
Then I will take all the hardships and bear all the pain
To believe that life is meaningless would make me lose all hope
And when troubles come and sorrows fall I couldn’t ever cope
It is pretty radical and some might call me crazy
But love is irrational though it makes you do crazy things
And yet when you feel it you know and your heart just sings
And if it all turns out to be just as you say You haven’t lost anything there was no point anyway
But if it just so happens that there is more
I’d want to see you there on that distant shore
So take a leap and hold on tight you’re in for a wild ride
I know it’s crazy but sometimes I get a peek on the other side
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
Following star: God’s great light
Traveling far: Bethlehem night
Bearing gifts full of meaning
Little baby sweetly dreaming
On a journey far from home
Guided by the Spirit as they roam
So much unclear, so much unknown
Young girl and mother scared and alone
Come Lord Jesus from Heaven above
Make the space all aglow in perfect love
The path is long the road is hard
Angels sent in dreams to guard
The light of the world the hope of salvation
Watching with faith and finally joy and elation
Peace on earth let all creation ring
The coming of Him whom angels sing
Christ the King in helpless child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Not even death could keep us apart
Saved in the depths of your merciful heart
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
The same sun that fills the morning sky
Makes the artist’s paintbrush fly
The same wind that flows softly in the trees
Fills the singer’s lungs and sets the words free
The same water that covers the earth
Can give the people a kind of rebirth
The same earth alive beneath your feet
Gives the poets their steady beat
The same song that’s free and clear
Gives the dancers something so dear
The same life that ebbs and flows
Gives art its thorns and rose
Life is art and for some their art is life
So much beauty and mystery it is always
New and fresh and profound
You see the place we stand is on Holy Ground
We have been blessed with such gifts
We are called to share and use them to lift
Others up who may be searching or hurting
Needing to know they are loved and aren’t alone
Your art may be the only encounter someone has
With faith, with love, with something greater
We ought to be light, to bring light to a world that is dark
To give hope, to show love this is a chance to leave your mark
To make this place a little better than when we first arrived
The world is our canvas paint it with hope and a future
Share your vision, lift your voice
Move your feet and make your choice
Color the world in brighter hues
These are your gifts it’s up to you to use
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
Candy canes and Caroling up and down the street
Hearts aglow with everyone we meet
Ringing in the New Year with hopes and dreams held high
Inside we come to sit by the fire to warm up and dry
Snowman snow angels snow that softly falls
Time to remember what is truly important and make those calls
Making the most of the precious moments spent together
And if we have each other there is nothing we can’t weather
Sleep sound in sweet heavenly peace
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
Our Marian Consecration today intimately parallels the actions of Knights before their queen in years past. Knights would come before their queen, kneel, swear their fealty, and solemnly dedicate themselves to be in the queen’s service and do her will. In our consecration today we are essentially doing the exact same thing. Our Queen is Mary, we pledge our loyalty to her and her cause (which is her Son’s Will, for love and for souls), and solemnly dedicate ourselves to her service and being obedient to what she tells us.

Knights were often called to go and fight for queen and country. We are also called to stand and fight for there is a war that rages a great spiritual battle. We fight not with hatred and anger and bitterness and intolerance, but with love, truth, peace, hope, and joy. We do not fight to steal, **** and destroy, we fight to give, to save, and to defend.

When we bend our knees, we humble ourselves. It is an action that leaves us vulnerable and open. It opens doors, opportunities and a whole world of experiences beyond our wildest dreams.

St. Maximillian Kolbe was right in creating the Militia Immaculata. The order of the Knights of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are like the knights of the past. It is also interesting to note that they specifically consecrated themselves before the Queen and that through the Queen they gave themselves in service to the King.

As Knights we are also called to be courageous and chivalrous. To be kind, gentle, and to honor and respect all especially the women, the children, and those in need. To be a knight was to live a life of service, charity, obedience imitating the life of Christ and his values and teachings. We are knights: go forth now under the Queen’s blessing and favor.
ShowYouLove Dec 2018
I am tired Lord and my thoughts drift
Incomplete and jumping one to another
I am safe and warm in your presence here
I feel my body relaxed and drifting to sleep
I will sit with eyes closed and breath deep
And pray that you would help still my mind
My heart my mind my soul find their rest
And in your abundant love I am so blessed
Let me be the one to quench your thirst
For love and souls until you burst
Let me be the one to care for you and dry your tears
Let me be your hands and feet, eyes and ears
Let me rejoice in my weakness and glory in my suffering
That I would lean on you for every single thing
Unite my heart to yours and bring me deeper still
I pour out myself so that you can enter in and fill
The missing piece the hurt deep inside
With love so deep and arms so wide
If it is your will then by your grace allow me to lead
Your children your sheep your people in need
To bring you the love and souls you so desire
With the help of the Holy Spirit to truly inspire
In Mary’s hand I place my own
To walk with her; faith is grown
The quickest way to the heart of the Son
Is through the heart of his mother
Their hearts are connected in more ways than one
The bond they share is like no other
Let me be the one for Jesus with you
And serve Him who is holy and true
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