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 May 2017 Ty
Lady Misfortune
I don't think of you as an ex nor a friend
I don't think of you as a lover or a foe
I don't think of you as stranger but you're certainly not nothing
You are just
Someone that once meant everything
Follow Ty Harrell
 May 2017 Ty
Empty lovers
 May 2017 Ty
They mocked us,
because we were not like them
They told you "Take off the glasses"
and they slapped you,
Because they envied your teenage years
They took our toys
And destroyed them,
Because they were afraid of our dreams
They hated us because we smelled love
We wore the crown finally
The lovers of absolute nothing

They were judged us
because we saw, while they were blind
With a webcam in your house,
Because they envy your loved ones
They showed us their weapons
And they threatened us,
Because our silence terrified them
They crucified us, because we were talking about peace
We wore the crown finally
The lovers of absolute nothing

If I drown in the summer,
Where will I be in the winter?
My dream has frozen,
But my faith still
 Apr 2017 Ty
Lady Misfortune
Haven't talked for six days
So long to be cut off from the person you love the most
But even when their around the distance can be felt
The air is coated with awkwardness
What are we doing
All of this is pointless
We're both loners who fell in love just to fall out
We both know but in the communication department we are slow
It's just not working out he let me know
It's too hard
His perseverance is all for show
So conceited
He dropped me like trash
But littering isn't a felony
I over exaggerated
I tried to fix the broken but instead got embarrassed
Asked his best friend about him
He said he was just emo
But I'm the one on my period
How am I taking this better than him
I'm also all for show
Surprised I didn't snap
Oh crap it's really over
Told my "friend" but she says to let go of him
All these voices in my ear
None are his
Put my headphones in
The faucet runs through my eyes
My thoughts always have a twist
My brain is such a pessimist
All of this could've been solved
If communication was our resolve
It's over
That was all that needed to be said
No explanation
Everything we had is dead
 Apr 2017 Ty
Lady Misfortune
Stuck in oblivion
Naive girl
Unprepared for the world
Follow Ty Harrell
 Apr 2017 Ty
Lady Misfortune
I'm a sponge
I soak up so much
But after I'm used up
I dry out and start to stink
People get rid of me
Follow Ty Harrell
 Apr 2017 Ty
She Forgot
 Apr 2017 Ty
If misery was a gift
she had Christmas every day.
Her clouds had clouds
and she traded the silver linings
for an overstock of black mold.

 She once had been happy,
but peace never challenged her
the way chaos did.
Now, the only thing she loves
is tending her garden of discontent
with **** rakes and spades
for 50 shades of defeat.

 If she achieved every goal on her checklist
she kept Einstein’s,
and Jesus Christ’s in her pocket
to remind her of the insufficiencies.

She complains that she has no friends
and assures it
with a magnifying glass of faults.
The profile for her perfect man
is rigid. So rigid
that even God didn’t qualify.
If she found a glass half-full
she’d grumble that it wasn’t Cognac Champagne.

 She has long since forgotten
the important thing -
the power of light.
For light heals
light brings hope
light always dispels darkness
unless YOU become an eclipse
between it and the world.



If misery was a gift
she had Christmas every day.
Paper and bows
she’d wrapped herself,
hand signed cards
To: Me, From: Me
every box opened
then rewrapped
and opened again
with tattered Scotch-tape scars
like the excitement of a child
who found her hidden presents
in the closet 10 days
before Santa would come.

And clouds! How did you know!?
Gray, snowless,
pointless holidays
all her days.

Her clouds had clouds
and she had traded the silver linings
for black mold.
They always fit her just right.

She once had been happy
but peace never challenged her
the way chaos did.
So she labors passionately in
a garden of discontent
nurtured year-‘round
but always growing winter
watering resentment and acrimony
with bitterness,
drawn from a barrel full
of moldy cloud rain.

Regardless of what she might achieve
she reminds herself
of others doing more
comparing checklists with Jesus Christ’s.
If she had fed the 5000,
she would still be
lacking the crucifixion.

You see, nothing grows
by accident in a well-kept

including withered friends whom
she weeds, though beautiful
assuring they will never be more.
Those she doesn't pluck, she bakes
under her magnifying glass of faults.

She knows nothing of content
whether love, or God,
or a half-goblet of possibility.
If she found a glass half-full
she’d grumble that it wasn’t Cognac Champagne.

She has long since forgotten
the important thing –
the power of light.
How it heals and grows
hopeful sprouts, green
through struggling soil.
Light always dispels darkness
unless YOU become an eclipse
between it and the world.
When you cast your own
it’s easy to forget
the way flowers
grow back on their own
every spring

the way the clouds
sometimes break

 Apr 2017 Ty
Lady Misfortune
Out on the dock
You asked for my heart
So many times it was torn apart
This one is different
I lied to myself but it was ok
Sometimes smiles minimize pain
Doubt in the back of my mind
I show you my scars
My ocean of secrets
My oasis of truth
My bottles full of past things I never let go
Reopen old wounds for you
Very unconventional
But it was you and you deserved to know
You broke bottle after bottle when I begged you to stop
Tore out my heart and left me dying on the dock
No tears fell from my eyes
You looked into mines, turned around and never took a second glance
But I begged for you to come back and help me
Screamed your name but you ignored
As my blood mixed with the salt in the ocean
I saw into the future
You with another girl
Where was I
Out on the dock
Waiting for something that wasn't going to happen
Unconventional and unintentionally
I cut off anything that could've healed me
Surrounded my self with glass
Bound by the past
Love I couldn't let go of held me back
Follow Ty Harrell

— The End —