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Sheila M King Jun 2016
Right now i’m just a little boy with big blue wondering eyes-
I can see the things around me, but it’s a world in disguise
I am not able to talk yet,and alot, I do not understand
But I try to learn by watching daddy-
For I too, someday, will become a man
There are many things happening in my small mind
So I watch those around me for answers I need to find
Sometimes I turn to momma-no matter what she’s always there
I can count on her for anything and the love she has to share
No matter what the trouble is or what the problem may be
She has the answer to everything-that’s why God picked her just for me
Then I look up to my daddy; I reach and want to say:
“Walk carefully through life, Daddy, I’m right behind you-
Just a few years away…to follow in your footsteps and walk my own path someday
Being parents must be hard, especially when it’s time to let go-
But for now you can just step back..and watch me as I grow
To you, I’ll always be your son, a little boy with big blue wondering eyes
-Afraid to accept, that I am a man- In a little boy’s disguise
About  a boy growing into a man
Sheila M King Jun 2016
God created all things, but he took special care in crafting
the rose..... and you.
     The color of a rose is deep red like the depths of my love for you.
Soft, like the pedals,  are your lips and your embrace.
They say every rose has it's thorns & blood from the finger, if
wrong,  will bleed-  a deep red... Only my heart bleeds for you and
your love
You have shown me how to handle love gently as if it were a
No longer a seed; for it has bloomed into something beautiful-
Unlike the rose,  our love will never die--
Even though it is one of God's most beautiful creations,-
You, my love,  have created something just as beautiful as a rose...
  By giving me your love...
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I looked out through the window at you across the way
Thinking of our last words we shared, and how things ended that day
Who you and I once were, and all we use to do-
How things changed our relationship, which changed both me and you
Beyond both our reach; below it all,   the way we feel-
Above what is imaginable, towards something that is not real.
Even though we both looked hard for love........underneath,
throughout, between.... It lies beneath the surface
Somewhere inside that could not be seen.
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Things have really slowed way down. From dating, school, and running around
Working, sleeping, then home again-barley hang out with any friends
Being popular, being the best, being a leader, I’ve passed each test
Looking back now, I was going through a phase-
Just had to find my way through the maze.
Friends are still friends, just not as tight-the ones that are true are still alright
Growing up…alot of that I’ve done, dated boys and had my fun
Learned lessons, some harder than others. Made mistakes, made a few discovers
-Things got boring, school did too. Began GED to get me through
Working hours day after day; making money, putting some away
Striving hard to earn my wages- dealing with life and it’s many stages
Alone on weekends, & most week nights too-stay at home with nothing to do
Hoping that as time passes- & I finish my GED classes,-
Working harder at fulltime; saving every nickel and dime,
I’ll reach each goal I set, but if I don’t I won’t forget…..
-The sacrifices I have took, each harsh word or evil look
The smirks, the stares- words they say- Nothing I’ll allow to get in my way
I’m a fighter, I’ll give and take, remembering all and each mistake
The roads I’ve traveled and those I will…Which path I choose is out there still
-In time, I know I will decide; the road to take and path to guide
Decisions will be made by me, with no one else to disagree, 
Stir me wrong or lead me astray- the way I go will be my way
And time will come to leave the nest, decide on my own, for me what’s best
I’ll move out and soon move on…
Your little girl, now grown, has gone
-” Thank you” with all of my heart, Mom & Dad
For all the times together we had
Raising me, helping me grow, for telling me things you thought i should know
For being there, showing you care, and ALWAYS showing your love….
The little things you did for me, is what I’m speaking of
–Know I’ll always love you…&, that because of you-
I’m who I am today,- and the person that I will become….
Because you helped to “walk” me along the way-
about growing up
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Not sure if it’s worth it, not sure if we try…
Just how far we may get before we wonder why
Learn from past mistakes, lessons well taught
Memories always there; remind you what you’ve got
Can we be honest? Will there be any doubt?
Can we really try to work all past things out?
-Starting over, can start things over-
Like what ended once before
Starting over can start a new thing; and tell us if it’s sure
We can start out as friends, friends who try not to judge
Friends who need each other & will not hold a grudge
Help with each other in areas we may need adjusting
Open, honest, and truthful- we both need to be more trusting
Our past is in the past, over, said & done-
We’ve had some time apart, alone & having fun…
Question is are we ready…to start all over again?
Will there be to much already “undone” for us to understand?
Do we dare to try to pick up the things we lost, and stick around to see how it ends-
No matter what the cost?
Neither one quite sure the way we want it to be-
Can’t live without you- you can’t live without me
We know there must be changes that both of us must make
Chances and decisions, choices to take-
I feel at lost of words that express both doubt and hope
Pressure of what we cannot see & willingness to cope
Are we sure that’s what we want, or is it just a desire?
Can’t stand the flame of someone else setting your heart on fire-
Still not knowing if we’ll make it- hoping neither of us fake it
Starting over, a new beginning- either we’ll be losing or winning
Just do our best through each trial and test; talk things over as a friend–
I think we can do it and both get through it, and keep starting over from being the end
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Look what our lives have in store
Seems as if there's life, no more
Behind these bars all day I sit
No privacy to take a ****
I wonder what it's like outside
I long to take a Sunday ride
The flowers grow and the day gets hot
Can't see if there's rain or not
I wonder if it's cloudy or fair
I wonder if there's still life out there
-Behind these cement walls all day
I sit as the time passes away
Time is all you've got when your locked up in here
God is your closest friend, helps you face every fear
I wonder what life now has in store
Things are worse now than in my life before
Other people sit in this cold dark cell-
They wonder about these things as well
Being locked up makes it hard to get along
But when we live together so we must be strong
Even behind bars you need a friend- side by side until the end
Our life is hard, God knows we try; through many nights, tears we cry
Many of us will get out.... Someday
To never look back when we walk away
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Promises that are made often end up broken
Many times there are words often left unspoken
When truth is not heard- lies become the words told
When you hear it more than once soon it all gets old
Make them all believe- and they believe in you
Capture their silence, until they also believe it's true
Lies keep getting even bigger; promises so easy to make
Is the promise true or did they lie to you?
Only you must decide which is fake
-Roses are given to a lover, with thorns, sharp when they stick
A sign there is no other; hurts if you touch too quick
Blood upon your finger- color is deep dark red--
Like a thorn in the heart, when love is torn apart
Stains, show how bad you have bled
Promises and hearts get broken, in time, love will fade
Whispers were once softly spoken, are now words of feeling betrade
Words can't exist without a meaning
Stories are either written or read
But you search for the truth, yet keep leaning
Till you fall back on the thoughts in your head
-Love, once was not so demanding
Relationships did not leave us confused
Two people together once standing
Feel like one, from  being so used
Heartaches, pain and sleepless nights
Someone gives, someone receives
Hopes, dreams, and promises-
Someone lies, someone believes
What happened to promised love?
Am I just a victim of?
Trust... is a must, still there is always doubt
Can you ever love again? How will you ever find out?
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