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Sheila M King Jun 2016
ONE.... day we fell in love
TWO.... of us forever
THREE.. little words meant to last; Our
FOUR.... eyes coming together
FIVE.... months before we said "I Do"
SIX....  was the day in the month of June
SEVEN... months later a baby to be
EIGHT....more months seem like eternity
NINE.... often known as the month September...came
TEN....  tiny fingers and toes, I remember
ELEVEN.. stitches from where I was torn
TWELVE...the day of the month you were born

ONE.... was the hour; minutes of twenty four
TWO.... big blue eyes and so much more
THREE.. hard hours of labor
FOUR... shots to sedate
FIVE... big pushes
SIX.... pounds and an ounce was her weight

Deliverly went fine with nmothing going wrong,
A tiny little girl... only
18" inches long
19 years old; pregnant with you
20 years old by time you were due; pregnant again at
22 months apart; our daughter and son

Years go by both kids keep growing
Teenagers now, and some adulthood is showing
Soon both kids will leave the nest...
Leaving both mom and dad to rest

ONE...  will leave- in
TWO...  more years
THREE.. will be left to dry our tears
FOUR... years from now, you'll both be gone

ONE... day just
TWO... will carry on
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Once upon a time”
The beginning of a tale
“It all began”, or “it started when”; are beginnings to use as well
“Happily ever after”; words meant to last
But the ending told my story- as I relive the past
“To love, honor, and cherish”- “have and hold, friends forever”
A vow between people, or an oath before God-commitment made together
“To whom it may concern”–all of those involved
“Please accept my apologies”; until matter is resolved
“Handle with care”, “do not tear, bend or fold”-
A heart is just as fragile and worth it’s weight in gold 
“Do not remove” what’s personal from you to anyone
For they may “use it against you” – “after all is said and done”
“Listen very carefully” to what others have to say
“Pay close attention,” to who’s around and what could get in your way
“Sorry to bother you”…. is what you did to me-
“Please to meet you” is how it use to be
“What seems to be the problem”–you ask?  Is it me or is it you? 
I “followed all the instructions” and tips and hints too….
But “one thing leads to another” but another is what you found
By asking “How can I help you?” or “be of service”… when I was not around
“In sickness and in health”- you treated me just the same
You “do not open” yourself up to me but want me to play your game.
“Do unto others as they do unto you”- “Forever, till the end of time”-
“That’s all Folks” — seems to do.
From cheating, and telling lies, to mental abuse
“Please forgive me,” – “Baby I love ya”…
“Please excuse me”  but there is no use–
Love is a “Special offer” so sometimes, you must “open other end”
Keep “this side up” and “do not break” that bond of being a friend
If you break the “valueable gift inside” of love, friendship, or lessons learned-
The memories posted of what was once free,
Will be paid by you, if returned
“All’s well, end’s well”…if not, Oh well–
But let me “thank you for your time”
Sincerly,– I was to you….when you were a friend of mine…
Sheila M King Jun 2016
Give and take,  correct mistakes, never show your greed
Let it out when your in doubt,  ask for what you need
Lend a hand… when you can, don’t walk off from a friend
Stay there and take it, try to make it- from start until the end
Don’t be afraid to ask,… it’s no big task,  say what’s on your mind
If they care, then they’ll be there and help you look for what you need to find
When your late, things can wait,  when early,  it means your one of the first– when all goes wrong, you must stay strong… or things could only get worse
Don’t let your gaurd down, where it can’t be found
Stand up for what you believe… never say never,  or rely on the weather
Thank God for all you receive
Leave before trouble starts,- step forward,  try not to fall back
Make a promise, do not break it- borrow something, never take it
Make up in areas you lack
Can’t forget what you’ll forever regret
Keep peace in all that you do
Never believe all that you hear
And only half of what you see may be true
Forgiving can be easy, forgetting is the hardest part
Remember the rules, be careful of fools–
They too, can break your heart
Try to remember what all I have said—
Though, it’s not easy to do
Believe in others, believe in God……
Most of all, believe in you
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I'm far from perfect
But I try so hard to be
I don't care what people think,
I do it all for me
I laugh too loud
I cry too much-
I sleep to long
I'm weak to his touch
I don't eat as much as I should;
I trip over my own two feet-
I spend to much money on clothes...
But I'm just being me
-I don't trust very easily;
I can't cook a single meal
I hate to clean my room
I can't always tell what's fake or real
I have my jealous rampages
I don't have perfect hair
I am a really good friend
You can count on me to always be there
I'm not sure if I want kids
I try to grow up to fast
I have a bad temper
Sometimes I hate my past
I miss those I love-
But can't be near every day
I bite my nails, talk too much
But I love me in every way
I do what I think is right...&
I'm trying the best that I can
I can't be who everyone wants me to be,
See,  I am who I am
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I finally let you go as the presence
Fades from my grasp
The realm of everything hits me;
I know I won't be able to last
Secretly knowing I won't be here much longer
I'll just be a victim of your past
The depth of my soul has no boundries.
Soon I will be gone
Away from this world forever
Never knowing where I went wrong.
Why does everything hurt so bad?
Why can't I stop crying?
It's a cold-hearted mindless boy
Who can't seem to stop lying.
I can finally attest to my surroundings
Before,  I could barley breathe
Simply holding on to what I thought we had.
Waiting for my chance to leave
As I grab the knife,  I think of you
Then I put it to my arm.
Saying to myself,  "This is what
You did to me inside".  "But now
You can't do me any harm".
The blood flows down my wrist
As I start to feel weak.
" God,  Your the only one who can
Judge me now".
"Your forgiveness is what I seek".
I fall to the ground,  a puddle
Of blood beside me.
No pain in my heart anymore.
The past is finally behind me.
Sheila M King Jun 2016
The pain is never going to cease
My heart will just keep dying
I hate to think that you are with her
I can’t seem to stop crying
Now I am left all alone-
With all this isolated pain
And all the memories that we shared
Seem to still remain
This battle in love is never ending
I can’t get you off my mind
Like I’m trapped inside your heart
-The way out,  I cannot find
I can’t help that you don’t love me
That was your choice,   Not mine
You wanted her heart-
And my heart was declined
I can’t stand to see you with her
I want to feel your touch
For you to hold me in your arms
Your love would mean so much
But when you two go your seperate ways….
-You’ll think of how you lost me
I’ll already be over you-
But look what all it cost me
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I am smart but still learning
I wonder why this Worlds still turning
I hear people critize their friends
I see some still make it
Through thick and thin
I want to keep friendship flames burning
I am smart but still learning
I pretend to be happy when things bother me
I hear people spread rumors and wonder if that's what they see
I get into God's heart whenever I pray
I worry how long my parents
Are on Earth to stay
I cry for my Grandpa.  I'm still yearning
I am smart but still learning
I trust in God and know He's always there
I say if you know me, then you know how much I care
I dream of having a family someday
I hope soon God will be returning
I think that I will do just fine
I am smart but still learning
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