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Every time I see you,
I fall in love again.
I've always loved the dark
There's something special about it
It's always been my friend
My confidante
I share all my secrets with it
I can be myself in the dark
I truly live in the dark
I truly breathe in the dark
I cry in the dark
I imagine in the dark
Whenever i'm out in the light
I feel as if i'm constantly being judged
But in the dark i feel safe
For the dark never judges me
It accepts me for who i am
...Fragile soul
My soul is tormented on a daily basis
But the dark helps me survive
It gives me moments of peace
It gives my bruised soul some relief
It gives me temporary refuge from this world
...A world which constantly judges me
...A world which constantly misunderstands me
...A world in which i sometimes feel i don't belong to
I had always had a crush on her
She was beautiful in so many ways
But i could never muster up the courage to even speak to her
She'd ocassionally ask me for notes
I really liked her
But i also thought that she was way out of league
One day she looked at me and smiled
She came and sat next to me
She started talking
I was so nervous that i was literally shaking
My heart was pounding like crazy
I started stammering
She could sense my nervousness
She placed her hands on mine..
..and whispered in my ears-' it's okay..i like you too!'
Imagine the feeling i felt at that moment!
It was sheer magic
These were words i had never heard before
Rain had finally touched down upon the desert of my heart
My soul was flooded with emotions
My mind had become numb
Never before had i felt so serene alive elated
Love had finally arrived....

Sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
Can I watch your rays of light,
Fall upon me tonight?
Can I feel your soft dust,
Of peaceful sleeping lust?
Oh sleepy moon,
Can I see you soon?
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