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If I could be beside you in this moment
I'd gather all the stars suspended over California
and shove them in a bottle
that they would cast a gentle glow
to bathe our bodies as we lie
asleep, arms entangled with ourselves
blissful lips within each other's reach
hearts beating synchronized, harmonizing,
adding to the euphony of euphoria,
the anthem of togetherness.
Lately I'm caught between posting my work and watching it get lost in a flood of things that matter, or keeping it to myself. I think I've split it fairly 50/50. But hey, things are looking up, so that's nice.
 Mar 2014 Shashank Suresh
The loneliest nights keep me up.
It's not hard to do when I've drank a cup
The substance being crazy,
With a dash of hazy,
Sometimes physically lazy,
But never mentally motionless.
I only needed your caress.
And I always do, in and out of distress.
Why won't the sparkles glide off your tongue anymore?
I try to swim to them but I'll never get to shore.
I'm lost at sea, sometimes they're oceans.
Time always travels, but never showing emotion.
I'll make it as I always have done.
Still it doesn't change the fact that you're my only
What is as opposed to what isn't
What isn't as opposed to what could be
What wasn't as to what is going to be
Who is as opposed to who was, and who will be

Why do it, if later you'll suffer
Who knows if suffering is to come
Why not do it if it brings happiness
Who decides which brings what?
At the birth of a thought,
he set forth
But on its coming of age,
he stopped
On the eve of its life,
he started back
And on its death,
again he looked.
When their time comes like all time does
Let them go painlessly
Free them of the pain they've felt
Forgive them for the sins they did
Watch them as they leave to rest
As he lifts their souls into his arms
And gives them wings to soar above
Hatred and hurt to the heavens beyond.
Most, they saw the flowers' growth
how beautiful they were
their sweet scented blossoms unravelled
and fed the people and their pleasure

But there were few who knew what lay beneath
few who knew of the mother's grief
and while their sweet scented blossoms unravelled
the little angel below rot to dust and filth

— The End —