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I DREAMED that one had died in a strange place
Near no accustomed hand,
And they had nailed the boards above her face,
The peasants of that land,
Wondering to lay her in that solitude,
And raised above her mound
A cross they had made out of two bits of wood,
And planted cypress round;
And left her to the indifferent stars above
Until I carved these words:
She was more beautiful than thy first love,
But now lies under boards.
Nobody seems to listen
And nobody seems to care
All these words I’ve written
This nakedness I've bared

Still I continue to write
Like a scribe whose kingdom’s come
The words of a poet
Are never said and done

To live with bitter madness
To reconcile with past
To dodge the angry arrow
Is a poets unconscious task...

Still these words keep coming
Like a fool without a cause
An annual case of writer’s block
Dictates my only pause

Perfect is the world we seek
On the wings of trust we embrace the flight
Dark are the waters we drown in
As we hold on to love with all our might

Perhaps I’m but a beacon
In a storm that will never cease
Anchored to this ocean
By a soul that’s never free
Traveler Tim
Re Po 04=19
 Apr 2014 Sharon Carpenter
She screams
You keep quiet
She begs
Your mouth still shuts
She cries
Your lips are sealed
Now she's quiet
The silence
You can't help but wonder
Maybe, just maybe,
If only you had opened up your mouth
and said something
Instead of keeping it mute
She might still be alive today.

In this very moment
I am free
I no longer regret
the past nor obsess
about the future

Today is a gift
A free gift
I get to keep by
giving it away
You say you've heard of me
And most of what I've done
Why is it that your standing there
Why don't you turn and run

Didn't your mom and dad
Teach you anything
After this, after all
You say you've heard of me

The reputation that I have
Has been buried deep
In the souls of many
But just shy of six feet

Some people find it sad
If the truth you must
I can be both good and bad
Just ask the two of us

You say you've heard of me
Perhaps you should exam
Look further in the deep
To find out who I am
Some books I have never opened once
Within the wood can hear them sigh
If you had in mind not to give us a chance
Why at all us did you buy?

The books I read lying in the wooden case
Read once and that was enough
They too show quite a long face
Seem to say we’re forgotten stuff!

There are books behind the dusty glass
That found my head too hard to penetrate
The minds that wrote though of high class
Couldn’t reach me having spent all the sweat!

Some books came like love at first sight
I fell for them like a blind lover
When opened the first page found nothing right
Soon my romance with them was over!

Books are like women fast infatuate
Give the feel without them is no life
Yet they fade at too fast a rate
Only a few holding on like my wife.
A Bottle Full Of Whiskey

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

As he set there on his barstool
In his eyes I saw regret
He talked about the life he lived
How he wished he had it back

Would drink straight from the bottle
Just to make the numbness last
The story of his lonely life
He would tell to all who ask

He talked about lifes lessons
The mistakes that he had made
Said he lived with regrets
For things he cannot change

Thought the view from the bottle
Would help to make his life more clear
But the bottle got the best of him
And wasted all his years

He used a bottle full of whiskey
To dull the memories of his past
Knowing that the pain he felt
Would not fit into a glass

Carl Joseph Roberts
I stopped
inside a light house
on a dark and foggy night
and in the beacon
in the fog
I saw far too many sights.

Lovers lost in their pasts
uncompleted tasks
of shoulda coulda wouldas
"If only's"
blocking their

The ferrel human beings
with eyes of gold
but no money
to buy a room
running to nowhere soon.

The poetry outlaws
with no words
left to sing
lost within their prisons
and know one knows
what they mean.

The beacon flashed
and in the light
I saw those
trapped in drudgery
and fading dreams
of being free.

And lonely souls
in darkened rooms
of four white walls
with no where to go
and no one coming that they know.

The beacon flashed
in that fog
the horn it rang
to no one listening
but the ships lost at sea
heard something
but asked themselves
was it really meant for me?

Spotlighted lovers
on the far sides
of the bed
their love lost
in what is now
misery and dread.

Wage slaves breathing toxic air
and what's this life for
their breath asks
captured in the foggy air.

Stopped at that lighthouse
to look out at that foggy sea
was all about the poetry
and what it means to me
a light
on a foggy
populated sea
life told in scenes
those who struggle to be free.
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