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Forgive me lord I pray
When I fail to recognize
The blessings you bestow
Please, help me to relize

So much I have been given
Yet so often I do not see
Your gentle hand outstretched
Reaching down to me

My days so often crowded
With things that hold no meaning
And my failure to know
The process of  your gleaning

Lord please forgive me
That I complain I regret
When the world presses in on me
I pray I not forget.
They See A Different Me

I know it's just the outer shell
That other people see
Not knowing who I am inside
They see a different me

They think they know who I am
And how I will react
Only see what they want
Not gather all the facts

They will not ever question
Can't bare to know the truth
Think they have the answer
To why I act the way I do

They do not know how I feel
Not exactly where I stand
What it is that I believe
Or who I really am

I know it's just the outer shell
That other people see
Not knowing who I am inside
They see a different me

Carl Joseph Roberts
To Finally Do Whats Right

Someone from so long ago
Has come into my life
Giving me a second chance
To finally do whats right

Not knowing how to start again
We stumble through the night
Tell each other stories
Of how we've  lived our lives

We sit and talk for hours
Reminisce about the past
Share our thoughts and feelings
And take some time to laugh

We have that something special
That we feel deep inside
The comfort of two long lost souls
Walking side by side

Someone from so long ago
Has come into my life
Giving me that second chance
To finally do whats right

I think I'll  do whats right

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Some say I was only a carpenter
Some say a delusional madman
Some say one of the prophets
All a part of a great scam

Some say I am the beginning
Some say as well as the end
Some say the way to salvation
The last sacrificial lamb

Some say only a good man
Some say like all of the rest
Some say another figure in history
That is nothing more than the past

Some say I'm their reason for living
Some say this while down on their knees
Some say I'm at the heart of forgiving
Being their greatest need

Some say I'm a prop for the weakened
Some say for me there is no need
Some say a man made illusion
To keep the world from being free

Some say the Son of the Almighty
Some say to bring redemption to man
Some say life holds no meaning without me
*Who do you say that I am
Matthew 13:16
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
Intently alert and focused
Gazing with big, round eyes
She studies the water
Dripping from the faucet
Of our kitchen sink
Paws playfully tap the water
But the faucet keeps

Written For Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
Eighth Poem In The Series Of Poems
Titled "Imaginary Adventures"!!!! (: ~~~~~<3
I Hope You All Like it!!! :) ~~~~<3
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
In purple forests

Where magic resides

That’s where you and me will be

Walking down paths of lavender

That sweet perfume it breathes

In purple forests the moon

Will wink at you and his

Shadows will glow upon

Thy soft, silvery satin fur

Sixth Poem In The Series Of Poems
Dedicated For My Cat Lady Jane!!! :) ~~~~~<3
The Series Is Titled "Imaginary Adventures"!!! (: ~~~~~<3
Please Enjoy It!!! :) ~~~~~~<3
By The Way, I Wrote This
February 26, 2014!!! (: ~~~~~<3
I desire a metamorphosis
I know,  I feel,
Life can be better than this
I'd like to rise
A majestic thing
With grace and his glory
Shining in my wings.

Take flight
With colours rare and true,
Pretty like the chalkhill blue
Or glowing like the
Monarch's orange hue.

But instead I am trapped
In the cocoon stage
Wrapped up,curled
Stuck in sinful nature's cage
Wings not yet unfurled

Imprisoned by fragility
Brought on by bipolarity
Kept in emotional intensity
For what feels like eternity

But one day soon
I will feel free
From the cocoon's shackles
That bind me
I will feast on the nectar
Of His good word
And soar and flutter by
Free as a bird

Free in the sure certainty
The promises he's made
Sure of my saviour's love for me
My debts that he has paid

But yet I still feel like the caterpillar
Fumbling around
Still finding my way
I'm grateful for creation
Still orange striped and hairy
Yet not at all scary
Awaiting transformation! :)
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
The storms are raging outside.
Lightning flashes and thunder peals.
The ground trembles beneath me,
In awe I watch on.
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
I am filled with joy
Because God has forgiven
All of my dark sins.
My first Senryu! :)
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