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Everyone is imperfect. Imperfection is just a state of mind.

The idols that you adore have imperfections. Maybe it's a little pimple on the nose or a simple scar from their childhood on their knee.

Everyone has flaws not just you.*

Go and ask random people outside one imperfection they have. Everyone will tell you a flaw they have and if they hesitate then that means that person isn't proud of himself/herself. Everyone should have pride no matter if it's a bad or good thing.

Don't think something as imperfect. Think of the flaw(s) as a unique characteristic for every individual person or thing.

These flaws make you unique or makes you YOU! So be proud of that no matter what anyone says!
(Had to let it all out. Too many people calling themselves ugly or imperfect in my life.)
Only in my moondreams
Can I truly be with you
When the diamond sky is shining bright
Our love seems oh so true

As the golden glow from the sun is thrown
Across the galaxy
I will dream of you in its sky of blue
Holding tight the memories

Our loves beauty is only rivaled
By far off constellations
The cosmos create illusions
Fueling the dreams with infatuation

I will take a trip to the farthest tip
And bring you home with me
By a light so true I'll soon be with you
Inside of my moondreams
A collaboration with Wito
i dreamed i was in heaven on my wedding day
in the holy land so very far away
a choir of angels sang a wedding song to me
as i was holding hands with my bride to be

it was very beautiful in this world divine
a wedding day so special that wedding day was mine
a marriage made in heaven in a land so free
a wedding that was blessed especially for me
 Mar 2014 Sharon Carpenter
you people talk about
alcohol,  drugs
and money
these are your poison
these are you honey.

and these poisons
make you giggle
and dream
make you scream.
these are your poisons.

and they make you feel
and cold
and empty
but these are still your poisons.

but my poison
is that of your eyes
your milky blue liquid
that fills those two lies

my poison
between your fingers
where all your secrets
that's where I find
all your troubles linger

my poison lies
in the tangles of your hair
let your chest calm and rise
as you don't notice my stare.
these are your poisons.

my poison lies in
your empty bed
no pillow, no head.
where you left my embrace
and you poisoned my  grace.
Dearest don't frown,
when you're blue and down,
for even if I'm out of town,
you'll see me twirling,
around and around,
in a majestic princess gown,
making your frown go upside down.

Dearest don't cry,
and sigh,
if I happen to say,
for I'll be your guardian
up in the sky,
within the clouds so high.

Dearest don't weep,
yourself to sleep,
trying, but failing to count sheep,
for in the dark hours I creep,
protecting, watching, observing...
You as your tired body tries to sleep.

Dearest don't shout,
nor pout,
when I'm out,
and doubt,
that I've forgotten you,
for I'm your guardian angel from above,
watching you as I should,
smiling a sad smile,
as you fall into dreams clutches,
after mourning for so long.

Dearest don't cut,
it's not the answer but...
put one foot,
before the other and you'll find, that a path has formed.

Dearest I hate watching your life-long struggle; humour me and find the light, choose the right path...

'Cause life's like a circus; you have to take chances juggling multiple ***** and fight lions and walk the rope...

Dearest be good,
as I know you could,
make me beam,
in a place unseen,
where I watch as you struggle,
with your father's mistakes,
with the absence of a motherly figure...

Dearest make me proud,
join the crowd,
of those that heed,
a dead mother's call...
One of my first poems... Not edited.
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