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 Mar 2014 Appointed
A B Perales
The moon light rippled
across the sea.
A shine full of
might that burned against the
swells as quiet as dust.

The waves crashed and
Poseidon laughed as I rested
the bottle against
my teeth.

I smiled for
the moment
then drank for
the ages.

Stones shifted with the
tide,gentle and sometimes
as silent as mice.

Shine I said as another
tear tumbled and  my minds
eye flashed a far off memory
I came here to try
and forget.

The Pacific came and
with a fury and
other times in
that silence only something
as deadly as the sea could produce.

I took a pull as
another sin filled
Gull cried his
curses into the wind.

Only I and the Gods
were listening as the
hiss of the receding
sea swirled
between the maze of
that made up the
thriving silent life
filled tide pools.

I looked to the heavens
and realized in that
moving moment beneath the
That I would
either go completely
crazy here or leave
this place a Saint.
 Mar 2014 Appointed
fucj OMG
 Mar 2014 Appointed
My lips are dry from the amount of times I've bitten them
Trying to stop myself smiling every time I saw your face
You're the ray of sunshine reflecting a windows ledge
The million dollar diamond prize, the greatest race
The dates are rolling over
Just as the pages in a novel-
A novel of my life
And I am folded into the spine
With you
And him
And her
And even the willow tree from my days as a child
Stuck inside a book
Kept far away from the world outside
The world which howls and leaves a ringing in my ears-
A taunting that makes me ache-
Fractures my fragile bones
And drives shivers that even my finger tips recall each time the moon cycles in the deep blues of night

I hide away
Fears kept in bundles-
Racing in figure eights in my never resting brain
As much as I inch my extremities out-
As much as I struggle for a forward motion
I am held
Here inside of the pages of a novel
Inside the creases of its spine
Where I lay my trembling mind

It is here you can find the things that I could never let pass my lips
When I have lost all of my breathe
And the trembling has finished digesting my mind

(C) Tiffanie Noel Doro
May revise at a later time. Hmmmmm.
Oh the sunlight as it's shafting through her hair
and her eyes with their beauteous glare
oh the perfect, quiet moments alone
and all those long nights we spend on the phone
These are the things I long for the most
With this girl as beautiful as the heavenly host
 Mar 2014 Appointed
Laura Liner
If I could paint my face in womanhood
I'd curl my lashes; stain my lips bright red.
Then finally I'd be the girl I should,
But I'll just let you see my flaws instead.

The day I found I could drink coffee straight
Was when I knew I'd lost my innocence
Because children cannot appreciate
When life's bitter.  They crave benevolence.

The one tree I could never climb mocks me
From my front lawn and drops sap on my car.
If I could reach the top, then I would see
Exactly how small people really are.

I'm groping for the light.  I've lost my way.
It's still dark in the middle of the day.
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