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I just want to talk to you,
An adult conversation.
I want to work it out,
All the problems in my head.
I'm scared and feel alone.

Why won't you be there for me?
  Sep 2014 Seth Guy Simonich
I am made of flesh, blood and tragedy
I'm happy today.
The smile can't be wiped away from my face.
It fell upon me like a wave,
Crashing down on my unease
Washing it away into the sea of my mind.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?
The things I would say

If I trusted that you trusted me
your parents were right
when they said not to make friends online
because it's dangerous.

don't make friends online
because while your almost-brother
can't sleep for the 159th night in a row
your arm can't reach across half the country
to grab the sleeping pills out of his hand.

you won't even have money to fly to the funeral.

and you'll blame yourself
for the rest of your ******* life
for not being awake with him.

don't make friends online
because your life turns into numbers:
$642 for a plane ticket,
4 states away,
20 hours behind the wheel.

don't make friends online
because you'll fall in love with her
and you'll never touch her.

don't make friends online
because when she has a panic attack,
california is hours away
and you can't bring her tea
and count 1-2-3 to help her breathe
and hold her while she cries.

don't make friends online
because you'll constantly live in fear
that it'll happen again, but on purpose this time,
that she'll give up on life
and you'll have two souls pulling on your shoulders
and you'll cry yourself to sleep
with the same mantra pounding at your skull
i should have been there

so listen up kids
it's dangerous
I just needed to get this out.
///  • |

the picture changes every day                                                          

Pe­rhaps the War is over
                Let's step outside


         Everybody has a name

Everybody sure is known                                  

                        ­      And all things are              understood

••                                  ­                
I know you love me why do you hide. ?

The silken day of streets like this

We walk like strangers

Yet only love is real


             Rain is             beautiful

Reminds us of the holiness

Of everybody's dream


I see you in your finest vision of yourself


Let us not be strangers any more
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