Its possible to imagine reading this on you tube live,
it can happen, it aint Wutang wu wei woo woo dangle
bait, bait, betcha
betcha did, betcha won and didn't know it,
down to the dimple in the chin, a Haps
pers happenstance of time and chance, all we know
it gets thrown in the mix and out comes
that's what's happening. Roll the bones.
The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole dis
of... the lot, the die, the rolled filipped coing coing cong
{stop} re en state
What was the last co-gent, co-gentle, thought?
Religrelegreligreleg etaoinshrdlu to you. FS.
AH, fightin' words, kettle drums, Tibetan gongs,
Hopi Kokapelli flute,
sweet, a turkey gobbled outside my window
and I laughed, and that did good,
like a medicine.
From an old 502 error refused