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Francisco DH Jan 2013
Silence as he goes down the steps
he knows he musn't wake
his mother who sleeps upstairs
he musn't wake his sisters or his brothers

He opens the door to the bathroom
and Sees his reflection
Words like these bounce around his mind

His skull is a bouncy house and more words keep piling in
Wanting a chance to jump high
He opens the cupboard and sees the pills
A bottle of painkillers the doctor gave to his sister

He creeps back to his room
Slient like a night cat
and he sits on his bed with the note right beside
Sorry for being such a dissapointment, sorry for causing pain, I am gone now don't worry anymore i will longer I have to be a burden
he opens the cap and he can feel that he wants to cry

he pours the pills into his hand and takes each one
one at a time
I am gone, gone forever never to return again
No longer have to be a disapointment
I can be who I want to be after death
No longer having to feel less
No longer I have to be stong
*As I sing the sucide Song
A thought of this came up. just went with it.
They dont make it
the beautiful die in flame-
sucide pills,rat poison,rope what-
they rip their arms off,
throw themselves out of windows,
they pull their eyes out of the sockets,
reject love
reject hate

they do'nt make it
the beautiful can't endure,
they are butterflies
they are doves
they are sparrows,
they dont make it.

onetall shot of flame
while the old men play checkers in the park
one flame,one good flame
while the old men play checkers in the park
in the sun.

the beautiful are found in the edge of a room
crumpled into spiders and needles and silence
and we can never understand why they
left,they were so

they dont make it,
the beautiful die young
and leave the ugly to their ugly lives.

lovley and brilliant: life and suidcide and death
as the old men play checkers in the sun
in the park.
Raj Bhandari  Oct 2018
Raj Bhandari Oct 2018
JustChloe  Jun 2014
JustChloe Jun 2014
Dont hate the player hate the game
fine then I'll stop playing
just my way of looking at suicide
Suicide before I die
Wont be long, dont worry why
Suicide before I die
Its not easy coming home just to cry

So one last drive where i grew up
Burn outs here, and broken love
Fist of anger, and painful rage
Finally no more tears on my page

Pet my kitty just one more time
Ill see her soon so its not goodbye
Clean my room so they dont see
the mess and stuck dirt is really me
Pray to God and hope to die
You make no mistakes but what am i?

So suicide before i die
Wont be long dont worry why
Suicide before i die
Its not easy to see and cry

Blurry vision while shifting gears
Weight lift off my shoulders and no more fear
A sense of relief comes over my head
I can tell its almost my last breath

Play it off as just an accident
Few understand she is how i vent
I love too hard in this world of darkened depths
Hard to communicate when choking on death

Suicide before I die
Wont be long dont worry why
Sucide before I die
Its not easy and the pills dont lie

One last dance with my true love
I hope he knows he was the one
His kiss gave me life but not enough
Im sorry baby i know this is tough
May 11th 03:00,
Speeding 140 with a peacful mindset
You were my only happiness
You win you love me mostest

Im happier now and i promise you this
Ill hug you tighter, you will be missed
Tell my family i love them a lot
This is a battle that cannot be fought
Please dont cry
For you i tried

So suicide before i die...
Wont be long dont worry why
Sucide before i die
Its never esay, but youre always mine
Sucide before i die
It doesn't hurt and i know why
Its meant to be like my love for you
An endless bottle flowing through through
I love you to death cant you see
So suicide before i die
Wont be long dont worry why
Sucide before i die
Theres no such thing as goodbye
Babu kandula Apr 2012
హత్య  ఇది  ఆత్మల  పైన  హత్య . . అదే   ఆత్మహత్య .
పరీక్షా  fail ఐతే  హత్య .ప్రేమే  దూరం  ఐతే  హత్య .
Prestige పొతే  హత్య .Markలు  తక్కువైతే  హత్య .
సహజ  మరణం  కన్నా  ఆత్మహత్యల  ratings మిన్న .
అమ్మ  నాన్నలు  గుర్తే  రారు .
చావు  భయము  అసలే  లేదు .
గమ్యం  పైన  అసలు  లేవు .
ఇది  హత్య  ఆత్మల  పైన  ఘోరమైన  హత్య .
బుద్ధిని  control చేయకుండా  death కి  సిద్ధం  అవుతారు .
అయ్యో  పాపం  అనుకోవాలా    వీడికి  పిచ్చని  తిట్టాలా  .
Students­ lone  చాల  మంది  Sucide  కే  ఎందుకు  వెళ్తున్నారు  .
Mark  లు  పొ­తే  వస్తాయి .ప్రేమే  పొతే  వస్తుంది .
Subject pass అయ్యే  chance ఉంది .
Prestige కన్నా  ప్రాణం  మిన్న .
ప్రాణం పొతే  తిరిగే  రాదు .
పంతం  వీడండి .హాయిగా  బ్రతకండి .
Jackie Mar 2013
I looked at her
And with complete peace
I smiled
Knowing that her's was hiding pain
She was never loved
Was never seen as anything special
Beat up and bruised by the words of others
Who didn't even know her
As I grew to know her
Love her
I found myself in her unconditional love
She never judged

He was tormented everyday
For something he couldn't change
Pushed down stairs
Shoved into lockers
And when he came home
His parents couldn't even look at him
Blinded by their hate
They pushed him away
Into the hands of drugs
Not because he wanted to
But because he felt no love

And as for me
My story has bits and pieces of theirs
Cutting was what fueled my life
Because I was never loved by someone
Looked down apon because of who I loved
I never knew how good life could be
Until I heard other peoples stories

No one should be treated badly
We all search for happiness
But sometimes that's at the cost of others
We all have light and dark within us
Choose to fuel the light
Choose to diminsh the dark
I got the idea for this poem from watching Shane Koyczans video To This Day. These are actually true stories from myself and two other people that I know. There is really no ending to this poem. Their lives and mine are still going on. Hope you find it powerful and inspiring
Jacob Peters Aug 2013
The fake solution
i found in the bottom of a bottle,
drowned all my pain
saying just one more swallow,
just one more hit,
just one last sniff,
and that will be it.
Ill stop tomorrow
or maybe the day that follows.
Everything i promised
turned to everything i lost.
All the things i had turned
into another bottle,
pill, or whatever would
erase the shame, and the pain
that made me feel so hallow.
I wanted to stop, its true i really did.
But spending even a minute
alone with my thoughts was
enough to try and bring
my life to an end.
Id lost her, my family,
even my own morals.
Lived with true demons
i led into my body
through a needle in my arm.
I considered sucide
and tried.
But for some reason
god wouldn't let me die.
I thought i was being punished,
forsaken and forgotten.
I was completely at my bottom.
I found myself half dead
in a hospital bed,
hearing my parents plead
"god please don't take away our child."
I couldnt show emotion
so i cried with a blank exspression.
How could i have forgotten,
i was loved.
I sat in that bed,
weeks turned into months.
I swore id never go back.
Id change for the ones I loved.
The day i got discharged
i found myself there looking at
the devil in the form of a pill,
i was ill i was sick.
I have a dieses with no cure,
and found myself
shaking and seizing
and it all re accured.
Back in the bed i lay for two days.
Found myself on a small plane
headed far far away.
On a pilgrimage of change.
It took a couple weeks
but i realized I'm lost,
I'm powerless and broken,
only one could change that now.
I turned to the sky and asked
what do i do.
He told me be willing
and it'll come to me soon.
I made new friends
and made steps in the right direction.
I havent looked back
not even for a second,
god saved my life
beileve it or not.
Now I'm approaching
9 whole months.
Gratitude keeps me hear
and god makes me willing.
So now my life can be fulfilling.
Rnw  Mar 2015
Soul destroying
Rnw Mar 2015
Sucide can't save my neglected soul,
My mum held my limp lifeless body screaming for me to come home,
But what she doesn't realise is ive been gone for a while now.
A fallen angel,Finally able to spread her wings.
Fly away beautiful
Romona Hardy  Jul 2013
Romona Hardy Jul 2013
Its sad,
how everyday is a reflection of how ignorant of a race we've become.
Humans are discusting beings,
respect is a thing of the past
and chilvalry is dead.
What happened to days when men would kiss your hand
or open doors for you?
women were more respected when they had no rights
now their considered equal yet they still groval at mens feet
and are refered to as ******* and ******.
Then again,
whats equality
it lost its meaning long ago,
for a free country theres not much freedom here.
If an atheist speaks of their beliefs their said to be mocking chrisanity
beacuse chrisanity is the norm.
Its going to **** us
the demise of this world is going to be caused by what its built upon.
Organized relgion is nothing more then power hungry people
trying to steer the young,naive, lonely and afraid
into doing " whats right " by inflicting the fear of the unknown upon them.
There is no " right and wrong "
nothing but centuries of branwashing by bible pushers and jesus freaks.
Were not thankful for anything,
were slaves to the economy,
never content with what we have
always glutton for more.
People who say money can't buy happiness are full of *******
and have never gone without food or cloths because they can't afford them
The main cause of misery is lack of money
ask anyone going without what would make them happy
i bet you all the money in the world i know the answer.
We dont even appricate the fact that were alive
it takes a death or some drastic event for us to even take a second and be thankful for life.
We judge everyone without reason
when in reality were all the same
everyone of us are fighting demons
hiding a part of our past
and running from something.
People sicken me,
were going to be at fault for the sucide of our world
were all born monsters
we all die the same

— The End —