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irinia  Jun 2023
irinia Jun 2023
silence falls over me from above
the sea songs in my hair wait for an allusion
my hips are shelter for the dance of blue shades
love is this imprecise semiosis even when
you go into specifics about its wavelengths
the splitting time of atoms,
its intensity, radiation and schedule

my steps leave no trace, my hands have no voice in your deja vu
a semiotic thing your imaginary body
there is no point in living only in one dimension
an unknowable god takes snapshots from our deeper minds while
love is just this superimposed image falling from above, turning into the sea
Such an odd thing it is to
craft such a lonely piece
of poetry and publish it
on a website where others
might read into emotion
that seems to bleed from
those words
put down
by yours
truly. Be they fearful
or joyous or of sorrow
or intrigue, the echoes
of feeling
are detached
from the voice
that did dare cast
them, begging
for interpretation
yet no longer a part
of him, his moment of
subjective experience is
all yours
for the taking,
what he saw,
signs drawn
on thy digital wall.
The reader does read
into your words
but the question I am
asking is what thoughts
do you suppose
belong, to who or whom?
Which pathos do the words
you read belong to? Surely
it is yours, mine has been

detached when I transcribed
those words. Do you see
what I'm getting at?
When you feel you might wonder
where it all comes from.

I ask in my poetry that
I might be healed, that
it might heal me but tell
me, who or what am I asking
this of? Words make up poetry
but they do not endow semantic
properties of themselves, sign
does not equate to significance
for the process of semiosis does
require a subject to deem,
To bestow meaning, to gleam.
It is my intention that this
self-expression should be as
therapy is but I see not the
means or rather its mechanism
we call catharsis but claim no
more, nothing but a few sounds

and some long gone echoes
that remind us of things
I knew we'd never forget
but I never thought it'd
be this difficult
to remember what-
ever beauty was.

Would you mention those foreign times
in the quiet of night
or some other type of cool nocturnal silence?

I am asking you
what the relief
feels like after
actual catharsis
and how the
world appears
changed after-
wyrd. What fate?

What is it that a
poet casts in the
act of poesis, is
it their will made
or perhaps some Other
thing expelled, bound
together and outcast,
Another will, perhaps,
Whose, how, why and
what becomes of that? Is the word truly inanimate?
irinia  Mar 2015
irinia Mar 2015
pillars of darkness are full of debris
suspended in silence
as inside so outside
one day everything is transparent
the angel of apocalypse seized the window of opportunity
the meaning is locked in the semiotic circle
I and non-I mutually annihilating each other
terror breathed in normally
psychic ***** killing biology
the impossible unreachable pain
the mute rage
the lost connection between heart and heart

so powerful and meaningless from above
so small down there
all those little roads
men like ants, bugs, worms
all those petty little lives

to be above, to disconnect from this void
from the taste of earth in the mouth

frozen semiosis
things are sick of meaning
murderers can be heroes, devotees

let us weep, let us pray
that we never forget
how the heart knows to play
the chords of day
The 2C-x series always remained among Shulgin's favorites
I see much versatility in the 4-**-xxT and 4-AcO-xxT series.

Perhaps his fondness for mescaline shaped this list
or perhaps my reckoning of altered mental processes
placed value on these tryptamines due to the respective differences
in headspace. I am interested in compounds
which lend themselves to semiosis.
Consider your beliefs. I changed mine later.
irinia  Jul 2023
don't let go
irinia Jul 2023
too much outside too little inside
everything there loud and noisy
in the stream of energy
every single cell an orchestra,
a blazing furnace
recycling the unseen
what to choose slipping
from a dream to the same dream
possibility after plausibility
with the insatisfaction of a night
unable to decipher the tales of the moon
one needs true silence to hear
the meaning of music
don't let go of the wisdom of stones
every fragment knows there is something
wiser, a finite infinite semiosis

— The End —