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David Chin  Nov 2015
David Chin Nov 2015
Everyday we go through
Heaven and Hell.
It's a constant battle:
Good versus Evil.

We go through so much
Pain and Heartbreak,
Joy and Excitement
But we're overwhelmed.

For every positive feeling,
There's a negative feeling.
For some of us, that
Negative becomes too powerful.

We become flooded by all
The could've, should've, would've,
The maybes and what ifs.
We forget the little things.

We lose our friends, but
Depression and Anxiety.
We feel dark and cold inside
And we isolate ourselves.

Don't get too close to us
Because we're contagious!
Every second we fade
Deeper into our minds.

We want the world to
Stop so we can relax
And clear our minds
But it just spins faster.

We become so overwhelmed
By negativity that we push
Those close to us further
Because we don't want to hurt them.

Our minds become a whirlpool,
A black hole, pulling us
Down faster and further
And there is no escape.

The only way to stop this,
In our heads, is to say
"The end"
Maybe then it will end.

But it doesn't have to end.
As writers of our lives,
We can end it
Or we can pause.

We can end it with
An "!", "?", or "."
But instead let's pause with
A semicolon.

A semicolon let us
Breathe and gather our thoughts.
It tells everyone that
It's not over yet; just paused.

As writers of our lives,
Pause and rethink our decision
Because our stories are not over yet;
There's so much more left.

Regret nothing from our past.
Rethink no decisions made
Or decisions that we didn't make.
Live in the now and for the future.

We owe it to our friends,
To our families, and
Most importantly to ourselves
To not end but pause.

We all crash and burn, and
That could be the end but
We can be the Phoenix and rise
From the ashes stronger and better.

There are times when I
Felt like giving up and saying
The end, but I remember
My friends and family and the good times.

I could've ended my story
Making it into a tragedy
But instead of ending every sentence,
I paused and carried on.

My story isn't over yet
Because there are no much
That I want to do in life:
Medical school, marriage, kids.

My story is not complete
And I don't want to
Leave a cliffhanger for
My friends, family, everyone.

Out stories are not over yet.
We have so much to live for.
We have so many goals:
Graduation, Job, Love.

Insp;re each other and
Everyone going through the same thing.
Be the warr;ors we are determined to be
And f;ght hard like your life depends on it.

Be a warr;or!
F;ght on!

Our stories are not over yet.

Robert Frost said,
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood."
We have two choices.
Pick carefully; it'll make all the difference.

Pick left and end your story
With an "!", "?", or "."
Or pick right and pause
Your story with a semicolon.

Be a warr;or!
F;ght on!
Our stories are not over yet;
In memory of those who committed suicide.

To those who have thought about suicide or hurting yourself, have hurt yourself, and/or are suffering from mental illness, know that there are people here who will listen and talk to you. Know that you are not alone.

If you or someone you know have thought or are thinking about suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Someone is available 24/7.

This poem was inspired by Project Semicolon (
David Dec 2014
Randomly Running
at the "new" old asian restaurant...or was it the "old" new
new "old" or old "new"
or a combination there of
"I'll take combo #2"
(i.e) (ir)Regardless

Randomly Running
I trip over a boulder
which upon further/farther insp(dis)ection
seems to be shackled to my leg
I open it:
"You are unlimited"
Word Study.
I hate what you do to me, but do it again,

simple words but with a lot of weight
words I've said but words i hate
hate i love but wish to end
and end begun at least to  mend
the damage done by words unsaid and spoken
words that left hearts in which they hid,
and mouths from which they came
simple words but with a lot of weight
words I've said but words i hate

I hate what you do to me, but do it again.
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Mirrored thought full breach horizon
Yearning drawing bridging cry
Intimate complete attraction
Now the moment true imply
Cast aside mendacious forethought
Resolute round purpose fly
Epiphanic thought emerging
Doubts foul gibbous banish say ....
Insp’ration resolute within here
Bursting forth bright intellect
Loosing dogs full purpose forward
Encroaching far reach treaded path
Resolute’ness biting grasping
Endless boundless seeming lost
Blazing purposeful grasp grimly
Energise strong inner soul
Capa’bil’ity strong purpose
Clear thought con’quering foul
Abandon dissolute mist darkness
Intersperse directive steer
Levelling where once lay mountains
Onward pushing prancing laugh
Voices raised fair joyous chorus
Ethereal reaching hands entwine
Yearning warmth transcending distance
Over hill and Moorland track
Understand where strength in thought lay
Accomplishment find perfect peace
©2010 Robert Clapham

Written at a time when I doubted my abilities
Jerry Howarth Nov 2021
Text: Act 2:1-21; Isa. 28:11
Intro: Speaking in tongues was a special gift given to  special men, for a special purpose for a special people for a special period of time.

Now read 2:1-12; Isa.28:11 The first truth I want you to know, is that the tongues in Acts 2, was an actual human language, not some heavnly language.

The day of Pentecost of the apostles preaching the Gospel in a gentile language, of which they had never learned, was prophesied by the prophet, Joel and Isa.

Note in the Isa.28 passage,vs.11 that the Apostles would speak win a stammering lips and another tongue i.e. another language, the Gentile language.

A. Stammering lips , compared to the Jewish lanuage which is an
     easy flowing language, the Gentile language is staccato sounding
     language, or as this Scripture renders it "stammering" sounding.
B. So Scripure has established that the original speaking in tongues
     was a specific human language, given to special men - the 12
       ....and note also,  these men had not been striken in the spirit or
       had someone lay hands on them and utter heavenly words over
      them, and declare  they had just been baptized in the Holy
     ans declare he or she jad just been baptized in thr Holy Ghost.
C. Next take note, that this  speaking in a language  which they had never peviously learned, was for a special purpose -the proclaiming the wonderful works ofGod -Acts 2:11 and God's plans for the future Acts 2:17-20., and the most important purpose , V.21 to proclaim God's salvation - "Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord, shall be saved."

Now I want to pull over to the side of the road, and park for awhile and talk to you,  who-so-ever-you are  who  thinks you have talked in tongues - have you ever used that gift to proclaim the Word of God, the Word of salvation? Of course  you haven't; because as I Corth. 14:9 says "Except you utter by tongue (a language) words to understand, how shall it be known what is spoken? For you shall speak in the air."
                               Personl Illustraion
At one time I worked among sme Mexican men who did not speak or uderstand the English language. I and a particuler Mexican man and I became friends. I invited him to church,which he refused, Why? As he said, I could not understand laguage or the music.

I'm saying very bluntly to anyone reading this who thinks you have a special gift of speakig in tongues,  except you speak in a language they understand, proclaiming the wonderful works and wonderful work of God, you are fooling yourself or have been fooled by someone else that you have the gift of speaking in tongues.

"But Preacher, I know I was speaking in a heavenly language because I had no control over my tongue."

"I understand that, and will address it in a few minutes."
But right now I want to review what we have leaned thus far.
1. Speaking in tongues is an earthly known language, not
    some heavenlylanguage.
2. Speaking in a unleaned language was specia gift of the Holy Spirit
    given to some special men for a special purpose.
3. That purppse was to proclaim the Word of salvation to some
   special people the Israelites, IOW the Jewish people.
a.Isa. 28: 11,12 says "Yet thet would not hear" so now go to the New
   Testament I Cor. 14:21 which subsatuates Isa,  28: 11-12,In the law
   it is written,  with men of other tongues (languages) other lips,  
  will   I speak to this people, and yet for all that they will not hear
  me, saith the Lord" I Cor. 14:22 says "Tongues are for a SIGN, not to
  them that believe but to them that believe not." and John 1:11 tells
  us who the unbelievers are "Jesus came unto His own but His own
  recieved Him not"

Now I'm going to address those who say "I know I'm speaking in tongues, because I have no control over my tongue,
You are not going to like me for what I am going to say, but you really need to hear it.
Look at Acts 16:16-18 and pay attention to details. This girl had no control over her following Paul around and actually was sayimg some things we today, might have easiy been drawn in to her, "These men are the servants of the most high God which show us the way of salvation."

But Paul recognized her for what she was, a demon possessed
person, and even though she was saying some wonderful things, Paul said,"I command you in the name of Jesus Christ, come out of her" and she came out the same hour.

OK< now what I am about to tell you, if this young girl  had no control over her tongue, just as this damsel had no control over her tongue, is it possible you are being controlled by an evil spiirit. If you have no idea of what you  are saying, has it ever entered your mind that a satanic spirit is cursing Jesus, using your tongue to do so

Remember, tongues are a known human language, and you have no idea wht you are saying, so its a very possiblity that an  evil spirit is speaking in some forign laguage through the use of your vocal chords,  Not to Praise Jesus, But curse Him.

Now I know there are several passages that have to do with speaking in tongues,(An unlearned language), but keep in mind that tongues was a SIGN FOR THE JEWISH PEOPLE and in every pasage where tongues were spoken, they were always  speakin in a Gentile language that the Jewish people had lerned, and always the were proclaiming the Gospel to a, or, some Jews.

In closing, I am going to show you from Scripture, that the gift of tonges was for a SPECIAL PEOPLE for a SPECIAL PERIOD OF TIME and that time has long ago passed on, SO speaking in tongues
is not for today ICor. 13:8 "...whether there be tongues, they shall cease."

When did they cease? Look at 13:10  "When that which is perfect (complete) is come, then that which is in part (incomplete) shall be done away,"

"When "that" which is perfect is come" is not a reference to Jesus' return, as some have taught, Why? Because the word "that" is a neuter word, neither male nor female and so is talking about the completion of the Scriptures. Besides, Jesus is not a "that".

Ok, you may ask, "When was the completion of the Scrptures?" Look at the last word in Revelation. With the salutation of John's writings, came the end of many of the speaking gifts, such as the gift of tongues.

Today with the completion of thr verbal insp[iraion ofmScriptre, tongues are no longer needed; We hve God's last wrd to the world of humanity in writtn form. God has laid aside His daligs with Israel, so the SIGN of tonges is no longer needed for them; everyone gets the Gospel of God's Word the same way......through the written Wrd of God.
           From Jerry Howarth's Book of Sermons

— The End —