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M Corless Feb 2015
the body said ‘no more!’
then the parts slowly listened
first one, and then another
margin crossed, deathdate christened
last breaths, final beating
and then the cascade complete
peace is his at the close
flesh led gently to defeat
Anya  Jun 2015
6AM Feelings
Anya Jun 2015
Can I confess about something I have in my mind?
I am as thankful as blessed that you are considered mine.
I like the way you looked at me and thought "wow",
That is what I will treasure between my deathdate and now.
I am not the prettiest but you make me feel like I am,
I know you are going to be my one and only man.
Your eyes are deep and bright at the same time,
I wonder if I'll ever find a person your kind.
I'm gonna marry you if I can but I promise I will,
I'm going to wait you some day in front of me kneel.
I gave you chocolates because I know that you deserve
Every sweetness that I will always preserve.
I gave you a shirt to know that you are with me,
Whenever and wherever you ever will be.
I made you this poem to let you know what I feel,
To show you love in my words my Achilles' heel.
Noted on March 7, 2015, 6:10 AM
Pink Taylor Jul 2018
Today I realized

this year
it was only his birthday
and not

your deathdate.

— The End —