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Booz s'était couché de fatigue accablé ;
Il avait tout le jour travaillé dans son aire ;
Puis avait fait son lit à sa place ordinaire ;
Booz dormait auprès des boisseaux pleins de blé.

Ce vieillard possédait des champs de blés et d'orge ;
Il était, quoique riche, à la justice enclin ;
Il n'avait pas de fange en l'eau de son moulin ;
Il n'avait pas d'enfer dans le feu de sa forge.

Sa barbe était d'argent comme un ruisseau d'avril.
Sa gerbe n'était point avare ni haineuse ;
Quand il voyait passer quelque pauvre glaneuse :
- Laissez tomber exprès des épis, disait-il.

Cet homme marchait pur **** des sentiers obliques,
Vêtu de probité candide et de lin blanc ;
Et, toujours du côté des pauvres ruisselant,
Ses sacs de grains semblaient des fontaines publiques.

Booz était bon maître et fidèle parent ;
Il était généreux, quoiqu'il fût économe ;
Les femmes regardaient Booz plus qu'un jeune homme,
Car le jeune homme est beau, mais le vieillard est grand.

Le vieillard, qui revient vers la source première,
Entre aux jours éternels et sort des jours changeants ;
Et l'on voit de la flamme aux yeux des jeunes gens,
Mais dans l'oeil du vieillard on voit de la lumière.

Donc, Booz dans la nuit dormait parmi les siens ;
Près des meules, qu'on eût prises pour des décombres,
Les moissonneurs couchés faisaient des groupes sombres ;
Et ceci se passait dans des temps très anciens.

Les tribus d'Israël avaient pour chef un juge ;
La terre, où l'homme errait sous la tente, inquiet
Des empreintes de pieds de géants qu'il voyait,
Etait mouillée encore et molle du déluge.

Comme dormait Jacob, comme dormait Judith,
Booz, les yeux fermés, gisait sous la feuillée ;
Or, la porte du ciel s'étant entre-baillée
Au-dessus de sa tête, un songe en descendit.

Et ce songe était tel, que Booz vit un chêne
Qui, sorti de son ventre, allait jusqu'au ciel bleu ;
Une race y montait comme une longue chaîne ;
Un roi chantait en bas, en haut mourait un dieu.

Et Booz murmurait avec la voix de l'âme :
" Comment se pourrait-il que de moi ceci vînt ?
Le chiffre de mes ans a passé quatre-vingt,
Et je n'ai pas de fils, et je n'ai plus de femme.

" Voilà longtemps que celle avec qui j'ai dormi,
O Seigneur ! a quitté ma couche pour la vôtre ;
Et nous sommes encor tout mêlés l'un à l'autre,
Elle à demi vivante et moi mort à demi.

" Une race naîtrait de moi ! Comment le croire ?
Comment se pourrait-il que j'eusse des enfants ?
Quand on est jeune, on a des matins triomphants ;
Le jour sort de la nuit comme d'une victoire ;

Mais vieux, on tremble ainsi qu'à l'hiver le bouleau ;
Je suis veuf, je suis seul, et sur moi le soir tombe,
Et je courbe, ô mon Dieu ! mon âme vers la tombe,
Comme un boeuf ayant soif penche son front vers l'eau. "

Ainsi parlait Booz dans le rêve et l'extase,
Tournant vers Dieu ses yeux par le sommeil noyés ;
Le cèdre ne sent pas une rose à sa base,
Et lui ne sentait pas une femme à ses pieds.

Pendant qu'il sommeillait, Ruth, une moabite,
S'était couchée aux pieds de Booz, le sein nu,
Espérant on ne sait quel rayon inconnu,
Quand viendrait du réveil la lumière subite.

Booz ne savait point qu'une femme était là,
Et Ruth ne savait point ce que Dieu voulait d'elle.
Un frais parfum sortait des touffes d'asphodèle ;
Les souffles de la nuit flottaient sur Galgala.

L'ombre était nuptiale, auguste et solennelle ;
Les anges y volaient sans doute obscurément,
Car on voyait passer dans la nuit, par moment,
Quelque chose de bleu qui paraissait une aile.

La respiration de Booz qui dormait
Se mêlait au bruit sourd des ruisseaux sur la mousse.
On était dans le mois où la nature est douce,
Les collines ayant des lys sur leur sommet.

Ruth songeait et Booz dormait ; l'herbe était noire ;
Les grelots des troupeaux palpitaient vaguement ;
Une immense bonté tombait du firmament ;
C'était l'heure tranquille où les lions vont boire.

Tout reposait dans Ur et dans Jérimadeth ;
Les astres émaillaient le ciel profond et sombre ;
Le croissant fin et clair parmi ces fleurs de l'ombre
Brillait à l'occident, et Ruth se demandait,

Immobile, ouvrant l'oeil à moitié sous ses voiles,
Quel dieu, quel moissonneur de l'éternel été,
Avait, en s'en allant, négligemment jeté
Cette faucille d'or dans le champ des étoiles.
Nigel Obiya May 2013
I have an issue
One that weighs heavily upon my heart
One that, if left unchecked, threatens to tear our social moral fiber apart
An issue I will express in English, with some help from my old friend Swahili
Hii imenisumbua akili, kwa hivyo kuiongelea ni kitu tunastahili
Hii story ya immorality tunaichukulia so so light
Dem akiji'expose kidogo mbele ya kamera haina mseo, tunampandisha cheo kwa society, all of a sudden ye ni socialite
The new cool, eti ‘good girl gone bad’
Hiyo njaro siyo polite

We have a lot more to live for than that which we seem to be aware of
It’s not always about a good time, or lack thereof
Our reputation as a culture I believe is something we badly need to take care of
Siyo game
Siyo Jokes
Si eti mambo na fame

It shouldn’t just be about who drinks, who smokes, who vomits and who chokes
Hiyo lifestyle siyo dope
Na siyo right

Six hundred and seventy something ways to die… choose one
I refuse to go… speeding down a highway, drunk out of my mind, on another booz run
However, I may not exactly be the right person to point out how messed up you are
On a scale of one to ten?
I’m probably as guilty as you are
English... I speak it, I write it
Swahili... I'm proud of my heritage and culture, this language represents that and allows me to express my thoughts
Sheng'... It's slang, every culture has one, I can't help but speak and write it

Finally... I just did what I usually do, in more languages than one.
Lucy  May 2015
Booz (a rap)
Lucy May 2015
I remember sittin' in the bathroom
feelin so high
pretendin' like the ceiling was the sky

but then I fell down

[oh so real]

played the part
made a deal
and that day the clouds met my heels

[been so fly]

I kept pretendin' that the high cured my pain

[fall some day]

rose back up
waited for tomorrows setting moon

[came too soon]

sittin' here
in this room
drinkin' beer
on the ***
loosing tears
I keeped forgettin' hennessy
was my name

[fall some day]

played the game
lied and sang
chill and hang
we'll never talk about it anyway
Nigel Obiya Dec 2011
Her's is a story
One worth a listen
She'd walk past
And man how she'd shine... how she'd glisten
A beauty of sorts
In street lingo... 'hot'
She'd have toungues in knots... nervous men
Dry throats
But her story does not end so well... she blew it
Problem was, she was hot as hell... and she knew it
Her ego was big, and still this girl grew it
Her response to advice was usually "***** it"
If it was bad and immoral you bet she would do it
Her actions eventually caught up with her
She did not just 'get slapped' by life... it beat her
It hit her with sense
Too late though... she seems to die by the day
By the booz, by the drugs
She misses her mother's affectionate hugs
Her mother disowned her
After her first **** claimed he owned her
Now she wakes up by chance
Smells death all around her
Sad story for one who was once goddess intense.
Tú, que estás la barba en la mano
¿has dejado pasar, hermano,
la flor del mundo?Te lamentas de los ayeres
con quejas vanas:
¡aún hay promesas de placeres
en los mañanas!Aún puedes casar la olorosa
rosa y el lis,
y hay mirtos para tu orgullosa
cabeza gris.El alma ahíta cruel inmola
lo que la alegra,
como Zingua, reina de Angola,
lúbrica negra.Tú has gozado de la hora amable,
y oyes después
la imprecación del formidable
Eclesiastés.El domingo de amor te hechiza;
mas mira cómo
llega el miércoles de ceniza;
Memento, ****...Por eso hacia el florido monte
las almas van,
y se explican Anacreonte
y Omar Kayam.Huyendo del mal, de improviso
se entra en el mal,
por la puerta del paraíso
artificial.Y no obstante la vida es bella,
por poseer
la perla, la rosa, la estrella
y la mujer.Lucifer brilla. Canta el ronco
mar. Y se pierde
Silvano, oculto tras el tronco
del haya verde.Y sentimos la vida pura,
clara, real,
cuando la envuelve la dulzura
primaveral.¿Para qué las envidias viles
y las injurias,
cuando retuercen sus reptiles
pálidas furias?¿Para qué los odios funestos
de los ingratos?
¿Para qué los lívidos gestos
de los Pilatos?¡Si lo terreno acaba, en suma,
cielo e infierno,
y nuestras vidas son la espuma
de un mar eterno!Lavemos bien de nuestra veste
la amarga prosa;
soñemos en una celeste
mística rosa.Cojamos la flor del instante;
¡la melodía
de la mágica alondra cante
la miel del día!Amor a su fiesta convida
y nos corona.
Todos tenemos en la vida
nuestra Verona.Aun en la hora crepuscular
canta una voz:
«Ruth, risueña, viene a espigar
para Booz!»Mas coged la flor del instante,
cuando en Oriente
nace el alba para el fragante
adolescente.¡Oh! Niño que con Eros juegas,
niños lozanos,
danzad como las ninfas griegas
y los silvanos.El viejo tiempo todo roe
y va de prisa;
sabed vencerle, Cintia, Cloe
y Cidalisa.Trocad por rosas azahares,
que suena el son
de aquel Cantar de los Cantares
de Salomón.Príapo vela en los jardines
que Cipris huella;
Hécate hace aullar a los mastines;
mas Diana es bella;y apenas envuelta en los velos
de la ilusión,
baja a los bosques de los cielos
por Endimión.¡Adolescencia! Amor te dora
con su virtud;
goza del beso de la aurora,
¡oh juventud!¡Desventurado el que ha cogido
tarde la flor!
Y ¡ay de aquel que nunca ha sabido
lo que es amor!Yo he visto en tierra tropical
la sangre arder,
como en un cáliz de cristal,
en la mujerY en todas partes la que ama
y se consume
como una flor hecha de llama
y de perfume.Abrasaos en esa llama
y respirad
ese perfume que embalsama
la Humanidad.Gozad de la carne, ese bien
que hoy nos hechiza,
y después se tornará en
polvo y ceniza.Gozad del sol, de la pagana
luz de sus fuegos;
gozad del sol, porque mañana
estaréis ciegos.Gozad de la dulce armonía
que a Apolo invoca;
gozad del canto, porque un día
no tendréis boca.Gozad de la tierra que un
bien cierto encierra;
gozad, porque no estáis aún
bajo la tierra.Apartad el temor que os hiela
y que os restringe;
la paloma de Venus vuela
sobre la Esfinge.Aún vencen muerte, tiempo y hado
las amorosas;
en las tumbas se han encontrado
mirtos y rosas.Aún Anadiódema en sus lidias
nos da su ayuda;
aún resurge en la obra de Fidias
Friné desnuda.Vive el bíblico Adán robusto,
de sangre humana,
y aún siente nuestra lengua el gusto
de la manzana.Y hace de este globo viviente
fuerza y acción
la universal y omnipotente
fecundación.El corazón del cielo late
por la victoria
de este vivir, que es un combate
y es una gloria.Pues aunque hay pena y nos agravia
el sino adverso,
en nosotros corre la savia
del universo.Nuestro cráneo guarda el vibrar
de tierra y sol,
como el ruido de la mar
el caracol.La sal del mar en nuestras venas
va a borbotones;
tenemos sangre de sirenas
y de tritones.A nosotros encinas, lauros,
frondas espesas;
tenemos carne de centauros
y satiresas.En nosotros la vida vierte
fuerza y calor.
¡Vamos al reino de la Muerte
por el camino del Amor!
you can't lose when there are booz,
unless you're tipsy and hella ditsy.
when yoou can't dance and your on you're old romance.
callin that man. ****'s hittin the fan.
why you a do that why don't you ***** that...
you're lookin dumm you can't have more ***.
girl you've just lost you're pride
if you go hurl I'll give you a ride.
time to go home and put you to bed,  
when you wake up you'll wish you were dead.
See you tommarow in the bed full of sarrow. ;[
Irate Watcher Jul 2014
Write if you might
Write what is trite
Write till you tingle
Write, don't mingle
Write what soothes
Write while booz'd
Write away the smirks
Write until it hurts
Write how she furls
Write till she hurls
Write what may
Write the day
Write the sky
Write, don't ask why.
A little inspiration for those with writer's block.
Circa 1994 Feb 2014
They played gravel pit while people packed into the courtyard.
It made me think of you.
I'm sorry I didn't take more pictures.

It's hard to tell who's lonely in the dark.
It's hard to hear the shouts of those standing next to me
over the sound of the bass guitar rattling my ear drums.

And that ******* *****
that kept shoving into me.
I wanted to shove my elbow into her gut
to settle her down.
"People don't understand, these songs demand movement," she slurred
with her tacky bozo-red hair.

My feet are in puddles of booz.
I breathe in secondhand air
that tastes of beer.

The fog is thick
and mixes with the smoke of a thousand spliffs.
I wanted a contact high.
I wanted the opening band to give it a rest
so the band I came here to see could play.

But mostly I wanted you there
holding my hips while I swayed to the music.
And on the way home
when I stuck my head out of the window of a moving car
in order to feel something.
Not alive.
But whole.

Goose bumps sprang up on my arms
as dew clung to the warmth of my flesh.
The chill felt so right after all the heat.

as air whipped up into my nostrils
and down into my eager lungs.

I wanted you there.
Over a plate of salty fries,
talking about everything and nothing.

My greatest fear is that I'll never cease missing you
because you'll always be far away.
KellzKitty  Feb 2015
My story
KellzKitty Feb 2015
When I was young I was a christian,I was happy and cute
When I went to elementary I got bullied a lot in k1-2 grade I didnt care
Then I switched schools the bullies got worse
Then i switched schools again
And again
And again
Then I ended up in a middle school
The bullying stopped
Then I met a boy..
This boy changed me
He beat me, he taunted me, he said he loved me and he even ***** me...
I found self harm
I found booz
Then I met a man..
We didn't know it but we loved each other and still do
He's courageous
He's strong
He's moving he's kind
But we didn't date in all the years we've known each other
Then I switched schools again
****** harassment,being hit,being bullied , called ugly, getting played
I found a group of nerds that I get along with but it doesn't help
Then I found ***
Then i found miscarriage
Then I started dating the man I have loved and still do love
I finally found happiness
I also found a lesson
Nothing worth fighting for is easy
Nothing easy is worth fighting for
My relationship with the man is rocky
Its hard but it's worth fighting for
I've come far in life with my pain and sorrow
But with love I know that I will see tomorrow
Heart is dark apart with marks of stitches from ******* who lies cut sharp.
I listen  and still miss them but time heal and wishes , come true once glue fills in my heart can beat for two.
Im just looking and hittin depression with hooks an waiting contemplatin if times is already wasted or wastin while im pacin drinkin till im feeelin that im lossin control on my actions, facin my booz not havin a boo, talkin  a slur waiting for a hey from her, but theres no her.Just me and this elixer cause I miss her, someone who don't exist but gives me a reason to vent other **** I have like tricks up my sleeve but these vents comin outta my left pit..
its a need to breath..
Vents from my heart and soul. feel im scuffed like soles, i can not center it all
i can not better this cold
I am just sick of it all,
im just bitter with aww, cute with a sensitive mind with an internal brawl.
Between good and demons who crawl thought of suicide in my head.
Puttin pictures of people i love into depictions of dead.
Wish it would go away,cause i dont have any lead,
I am the bullet, hollow in the head empty but only echos of shadow of what I could be.
Drift further and further away into the grey while I lay in bed
lookin at the cielin feelin some sorta way then going back to dreamin where its only an hour a day.
Insomnia strikes with a furry, as if I was the prey,as I pray..
My mind is primordial of a predatory intellectual state of mind,
im the predator  but I have no time to hunt, I rather stray.
Stray away from the status quot  , so i pack a bowl and light the stroll, i lack a home, but i rather to pray hov to keep the demons close cause they keep me on my tippy toes.
Life is a straw you choose to make it short, and abort cause you dont wanna be impregnated by wonder if you see the truths corpses.
Life hard to swallow like your throat was horse.
and stepped on by horses.
and burnt like paul walker porsche.
No remorse.
for the other other side, like split divorces.

By: Emmanuel Jv Hernandez
Sonny Feb 2015
Freely Vulnerability.

Senses are released
Talk about you, talk about me.
Where is the understanding of university? Us or We?

As if the air becomes too thick to breathe.
Gentle screaming of ignorance.
Coughing up my plateful entreé of broken memories.

Full of Love, Full of Hate.
Evil contradiction flossing between my neuropathological pathways.
Tell me this and telling me that
Let's go do this or **** mate lets go smoke crack!

Then again it suddenly feels too real.
Reincarnated of birth again.
A small baby pure eyes with nothing to fear.
Everything's gonna be alright dear.
Reality strikes and baby needs Love.
Gasping for life to fill my lungs!
Even when your blind.
Seeing ain't so.
Hard to remember if mother was dying while blood stopped bumping with the beat.
Categorized in Booz, hate, disbelief.

Standing over organized chaos.
Trying to persuade how to be the best.
Yeeeeet. You got to BE.
Don't react in failure but Act out on the success of futuristic possibilities.

Accompany others to help shine their inner souls.
No matter the exposure always let them know how much they are
no comparison to others or other things.
Materials are made and used
Don't let brainwash propaganda distract you from the clues to live for.

Be patient and don't go overboard.
Reevaluate and double check if the senses are really coming down from way back.

Let yourself be evolution to the fullest.
Never expect to be always sharp. Just have a core that will never be thrown away.

Forever more.

Au revoir.
¡Todo el oro del mundo parecía
Diluido en la tarde luminosa!
Apenas un crepúsculo de rosa
La copa de los árboles teñía.

Un imprevisto amor, mi mano unía
A tu mano, morena y temblorosa.
Eramos Booz y Ruth ante la hermosa
Era que circundaba la alquería!

-¿Me amarás? -murmuraste. Lenta y grave
Vibró en mis labios la promesa suave
De la dulce, la amante moabita.

Y fue como un ¡amén! en ese instante,
El toque de oración que alzó vibrante
La rítmica campana de la ermita.
Vladimir s Krebs Dec 2016
Blind truth ****** knuckles the last smile I though was just is horsing around.

Why dose things seem to end with a fight at the end of the day.

Not enough pain killers of booz  will change the feeling of insanity in. The room .

Why don't we just play nice.

But knowing me the false leading became my fist hearing the deal out of all your bill **** fake lies.
Read end

— The End —