Gospel truth. Obsession.
Structure. Assumption.
Life path, revelation?
Bokonon, redaction!
Creator. Nature.
What about peace?
What about it?
That passeth understanding?
Precisely. Oxymoron.
Reason, confusion. Religion, delusion.
Footnote, background, legend:
Small candle: beautiful shrine.
Put it out, darkness and grime.
While this debate rages on among the giants and the titans, destroying everything we built, the still small voice in our hearts, the small candle, still guides the many Mr X's in their little lives.
Peace that passeth understanding: reference to the Bible (Philippians 4:7), e.g., http://biblehub.com/philippians/4-7.htm.
Bokonon: the 'religion' in Kurt Vonnegut's cult classic 'Cat's Cradle' which proposes that its dogmas are all lies, but believing in them gives peace!