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Keenan Martin  Mar 2010
Keenan Martin Mar 2010
What is a Blackstar?

Is it you or me? Is it we?
I think it's much more than Mos Def and Talib Kweli.
It's what we can be with unity.
They are turning us against one another, but won't fool me.

What is a Blackstar?

Is it  the folks on the corner?
Shining from the things they sold there.
Fleeing the scene when the blue and red lights flash.
Knowing they have more strikes than the batter at the plate.

What is a Blackstar?

The astronomy? is it the Milky way?
The formation of a star to cross or be in line?
The explosion that creates a tragedy,
Destroying mor than different galaxies.

What is a Blackstar?

Is it the church going man who's an educated ****?
Spitting game at the club that saturday night
To make you, the woman, his wife for that moment.
Hoping you awake by his side, but you find him missing.

What is a Blackstar?
Kgirl  Nov 2018
Kgirl Nov 2018
I’m sorry, that I’m twisted and full of rage, I’m sorry, that I’m dark and full of blackness in my heart I attack you like a monster, even tho we both know we didn’t meant to hurt each other,
I’m sorry that I was a heartless *******, I’m sorry that I couldn’t treat you like a queen. My heart has gone to the blackness, I maybe a kind soul to you, but the star reveals the truth about myself the left eye of the blackstar that I kept from my queen.
I’m sorry, I was cruel, I’m sorry, for everything my love
I marked my own left eye to treasure all the darkness that was inside my heart, the memories of my personal life, the memories of a star that turned black, I can control my disease, I am a blackstar
- you understand my pain -
Keenan Martin Jul 2010
15 years and 331 days and counting,
A month from 16 with anticipation mounting.
He came a long way from a sort of outcast,
He knew with faith and persistence the pain never lasts.

Even with a camp surrounding him with company,
He knows there is something missing.
The very thing he needed he had searched for so many years,
Was a loving comfort outside of his peers.

He felt his luck was always in the slumps,
Which pushed him to follow the beat of his own drum.
But the more upset he was he was given the notion,
That he has to gain more control of his emotions.

But one event that turned his life around,
Was the sound of his head pounding the ground.
Even though he still does his rights and wrongs,
He thanks God everyday for the strength to go on.

And with that strength he learned to forgive and forget,
Because he is now blessed with intelligence and wit.
He is thankful for family and friends that watched him grow,
Thank God he is this close to 16 years old!
I was inspired by an artist named Talib Kweli to write this.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2016
well... the hype is over, long gone, done and dusted -
out of Heathen came the soundtrack
of some life - standing out quasi-radio-head black-star,
Lazarus for the video -
girl loves me - and i guess the John Coltrane
accent on dollar days -
but like Caesar said, i too will say again:
i expect a sudden death -
i want a sudden death, i don't want a
delayed letter type of death -
i don't want a thought of death as some
postcard from Monte Carlo - wishy washy
wish you were here -
a sudden death and not this waiting game
under the influence of morphine -
a sudden death, the checkmate -
Damocles' sword hanging on a
horse's hair - VIOLINS! VIOLINS!
during the ballet i charged all the jealous
energies into the art -
i could have looked-on couples kissing
with resentment - with jealousy -
but i put all that cognitive energy into
the ballet - and it worked, plus
i had my Sancho Panza with me, i have only
151 pages of Kant left to finish,
and living in a democratic society
and not being an academic specialist i will
move on to someone else - which always feels
like such a shame to never see the obscure works
of the man - esp. when in such works you
have to engage with the work, you have
to follow the architect like a low-life labourer -
i wish philosophy books could be like
David Bowie's last album, were everyone can
write autobiographies, overload on
subjectivity, sponge in sponge out -
bias and forced trolling - but Heathen sums him up
for me - i wouldn't care for a retrospective on
death - as if it eve gave man a deeper introspective
when he was at mortality's zenith -
i guess it's too bleak at mortality's nadir
to say an introspection is allowed - because it isn't -
it's not magnetic enough for the teens -
it doesn't raise profits - mortality's zenith is
kaleidoscopic introspection - a single image:
a million sound variations, the story is the same:
to leave an imprint akin to the mountain or the sea.
the nadir? retrospection - the limitless space in
a limited time. the English language is good
at shortening philosophical prose of Germans -
but it never really hired enough labourers to
follow the plans of the architect, a book like
Kant's is nothing but a wonky table, when it ought
to be a Statue of Reason - this form of writing
investment will never appeal to many -
read a book of philosophy on the tube and people
will cite very few words of interest in engaging -
you can be truly selfless in the literary realm,
you don't have to do ponce with good-feeling
in charitable work - might as well read Kant -
that's a selfless act alone - funny, isn't it?
i think it's hilarious - i'm working charity on unread books -
or books that if they have been read, get
regurgitated from a single labourer's schematic shortening -
a prior / a posteriori / analysis / synthesis etc.,
i could have worked in charity shop,
Kant's book became my charity shop - i tend to use
my limbs sparingly - why would it be anything else?
the architect envisioned a house, given
the number of eager labourers all he got was three bricks
stacked on top of each other without cement to glue
them firm.
i could have been jealous of the couples in London -
but i charged all my jealousy into the ballet -
i left for home with Kant -
all i saw was butterflies, and 2 weeks from now, est mort.

— The End —