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Tim Zac Hollingsworth
Brighton    'As things stand now, I am going to be a writer. I'm not sure that I'm going to be a good one or even a …
31/M/14487    I am a small town usa man just trying to find love. Until then, I'll keep writing poetry. I have 3 books on Amazon. Just …
Zachary William
26/Texas    I guess I'll stop pretending I don't enjoy doing this.
Zach Kinnett
35/M/Ohio    You will find me in the twilight of inner machination, within a forethought and absolution. Here lie skeletons, demons, and flickers of light.
Zac C
Mars    Poetry, hunnies, bunnies and funnies. Questions? © All words are the original work and property of Zac Cremeans
Haley Rezac
When life tumbles and screams and rains and scorches down down down upon me, I turn to poetry. When life frolics and laughs and prospers …
18/M/Minnesota    If the world is my oyster, why do I dislike sea food
Zack Phillips
Tucson    Tucson Youth Slam Poet. | | @tucsonyouthslam | | Spoken Futures @lloydfreakary
Zach Gordon
Kentucky    La la la....
Zach Hanlon
Its okay, we're all weird.
Zachary J Morsette
Minnesota Nice    A hopeless romantic with a drug problem. Writing poetry has been my saving grace. It's to poetry I owe a Thank You. For without poetry. …
Zach Mooney
"But sometimes you have to wait for an answer to come to you. Especially when the questions are difficult ones."
Zachary E Tenney
20/M/Michigan    Undergraduate, studying Writing, Philosophy, and Environmental Studies. Aspiring writer, musician, filmmaker, and scholar.
Zac Carlson
Minneapolis    A curious explorer of mind and world.
Zach Lubline
Denver    The older poems are better, though maybe all poets think that.
Zachary G
Jamaica    Jamaican.. A.J Only place Im going is forward
York PA    I'm not much of a poet. Most of mine don't rime. But what I have to say if you have the time is words from …
Zach Claycomb

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