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Bogdan Dragos
M    MY NEW BOOK: #WEBSITE: #INSTAGRAM: bogdan_1_dragos
Shadow Dragon
18/F    All Rights Registered®©️
Raghu Menon
Pondicherry, INDIA   
Praggya Joshi
24/F/India    Pouring out the thoughts populating my head
beautiful tragedy
18/F    The past is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift. Thats why is called present.
28/M/India    filled with secrets.
pragya santani
assam    I believe in words.
midnight prague
I would hurl words into this darkness and wait for an echo, and if an echo sounded, no matter how faintly, I would send other ...
Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy.
Joanne Heraghty
F/Dublin, Ireland    Poetry is my home. Always interested in making new friends so do not hesitate to message me :) Follow on Instagram: jgheraghtypoetry | | ...
Fragano Ledgister
Atlanta    I am the one who said: Do you not see, the late year trees are blooming and once again we come to feel a spring. ...
I possess some poses of supposes I suppose? All poems are mine own.
The Dragon Prince
Australia    Uh, my name is Kalum. I don't come on here often anymore. I like writing and reading heaps. Hooroo until later
alexia maragh
sirish Yerrapragada
Georgia    your average badass introspecteur
Kristie Aragon
Cebu, Philippines    Nothing fancy about myself. Just a girl who puts her thoughts better on paper than in speech.
Kayotic Tragedy
20/F/Hell frozen over    Fuck off. Sincerely, The Kayotic Tragedy
I suck at everything, i'm sorry. x
Draginja Knezi
Mirror Mirage
M/Dubai    Dubai, In all its artificial splendor of glass and mirrors, Shine and Gleam, we are but crafted by men from mother earth ~ silica in ...
fragments of hearts
A cup of sea    as unnoticed as a drop of tear in the middle of a vast sea
some sort of tragedy
21/F/Iowa    this is where i express myself, and keep my diary

— The End —