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Today that neighbor at me, still is upset and fuming
Over my reporting her noisy kids at all hours booming

A normal person would have apologized and fixed the situation
Neighbor, was angered and violence she used on this occasion

Threatened me with a baseball bat
And just acted like a spoiled brat

Recently saw her youngest (& oldest a few years back) with a broken arm
I feel her bad temper, & emotional abuse she is causing her kids great harm.

I've seen her make many demands of her oldest child to carry
Things that were too heavy down the stairs, and it was scary

He'd beg and plead for help, and at him she yelled
Struggling and panting, in his eyes the tears weld

Her youngest once begged to be carried down the stairs
Mother demanded she walked and didn't seem to care

I've seen her be mean to her kids many times & leave them alone
But others still see her as innocent and put her high on a throne

I do believe she'd **** me if she had a chance
Then the neighbor could do her happy dance.

She knocked on my door and ran
By then I was figuring out her plan

Tried to cause a wreck with me in the parking lot
But told the manager it was me and all my fault

Manager took herside even though she knew me longer
Proves neighbor is a con artist, lies make her stronger

After her long night on the town, she loudly stomps up the stairs at 3 am
Declares innocence, then cons friends and passes off quite the scam

She fixed the carpet so that when I came in I'd trip
My insane neighbor really needs to get a grip

Remembering many times when she'd leave her young kids alone
Her kid's looking for her out the window, I could never condone

She wants to make sure that I see her or her kids everyday
Must have that attention and intimidate me with her display

Always goes out of her way to make sure I see her
My former stalker neighbor is really a monster.

She is a neighbor that you pay the price to report
I've suffered her wrath and several times in court

Neighbor apologized to the court for my actions
She's gossiping this ******* on me as a distraction

I never said here kids were bad just wanted them to
Be quite so I could sleep and rest  I felt that, I was due

My winning the second time in court she really wasn’t expecting
The stalker had stacks of lies an inch high, would to me be affecting

But she never got to utter a word.
Not one lie on me the judge heard

She thought she had the judge wrapped from the first time in court,
But instead, I got something she desired and all lies are thwarted

Judge gave her a lecture, on her claims against myself
And all her untruths where finally put on a shelf

Told my stalker neighbor, "she never did anything to you", as neighbor sat stifled in her chair
Her lawyer also said he didn't agree, to my being jailed and evicted she wanted to do to me. He’d swear

Neighbor embarrased over the judge giving her a lecture
But what neighbor presented on me was pure conjecture

Now she sends her kids to spy on yours truly,
My former neighbor is just an obese bully

For years I've always wondered what size tent
She fits in best, a 4,  6 or 8 room, with free rent

They come by driving or walking their dog
All in the plan for her kids to be the cog

Just to see if they can catch a glimpse enough to intimidate
While the mother still pretends to be important and great

I keep my mouth shut and my distance.
While she continues her stalking persistence

She tries to taunt me by doing childish stunts, and evil stares,
I just ignore her and go my own way. Walking away as she glares

On her phone, laughing, and pretending to be happy, but I see it as being fake as I know, really happy she's not.
She could never drag me back into court, as the judge knows that she is a liar and has been caught.

In her tiny 2nd fl, 2-br apartment she has five people and a dog
Her mother, she, and 3 children, overcrowded and living in a fog.

When her kids were young she'd put the two girls on bunk bottom  the son on the top, which today since adult, is a problem.

How can you be happy when crammed in like sardiens
When the two youngest are just now arriving in their teens

She talked of having a 4th, saying she just loved kids
When I knew she was having them to stay on the grid

The mother of three has her own master bedroom, that is fixed up very pretty and nice.
While the grandmother sleeps in living room, the daughter, never her own happiness would ever sacrifice.

She has several judgements against her and I know she is really stuck.
This narcissist attention seeking neighbor is just an ignorant schmuck

She is just starving for attention and will do anything to get it.
Loves to take pictures of herself for Fce Bk and will never quit

Stalker has no hobbies, never had a job, volunteered or has a life,
Except for being on her phone always looking very strife

Hoping she will grow up and get on with her existence as she still has children to be raised.
Thinking her negligence will cause her trio of three, to be criminals that will be crazed

This is a person who has taken her friends to court in the past
Trying to get large sums of money and those she lambasts

The only thing she can do is to con others and use her kids
To make you feel sorry for her, just enough to do her bid

I once did because of her three kids, but soon realized
She was just taking advantage and was soon destablized

People feel sorry for her and buy her expensive things
Why she doesn't have to work and her praises she sings

When I first met her and shook her hand
I then felt unneasy and not so grand

I thought I was just imagining things
But knowing her made my life sting

She was the one who told me that her kids all had different fathers
Pretending those men all left her alone and without any answers.

I didn't believe it for a minute but gave her the benefit of the doubt
I really did not care as long as I never have to babysit her fall out

She'd insult things in my apartment calling it "Ghetto"
I knew then that she was prejudice and quite shallow

Neighbor doesn't know how to make friends
Yet she knocked on my door, to me she offends

She said she bought her huge SUV after she quit her job
I really think this deceiving neighbor is a fat lying snob

She feels she's "high class" & respected because of her big auto
But she's nothing more than lies and shaped like an avacado

I worry about the youngest one, as I feel the mother is grooming
To be mothers flunky, in later years of her a crime is looming
loisa fenichell Jan 2014
My mother used to keep Lupines
in the cracks of her favorite book.
They bloomed into oblivion, and they bloomed
into the book, because they didn’t know any better, which is how
it is with all flowers, and not just Lupines (I think), and which
is like how I don’t know any better
than to whisper gratitude to strangers
I’ve seen a million times over sitting on the curbs
of sidewalks that run along every surface of the earth. It is one of my only
redeeming qualities, and it makes up for all of the times when
I’ve been petulant, even though
Little Brother tells me that I’m too sorry too often. My mother says that I’m just
“being (too) polite”  —
my mother has never known any better than to defend me
even when I should not be defended (which is always).
Instead of gullible, my mother calls me trusting, even though I didn’t trust

Billy The Neighbor on the other side of the street (in East of Eden)
when he told me he saw an alien, and the alien’s name
was Fred, and he was a nice enough alien, and he
was the size of a fingernail with pink and yellow skin. Aliens are what I cannot believe, because my mother said that before I was born,
I was an alien. I guess she just doesn’t know that the only alien is

Billy The Neighbor, and that when he said he saw an alien,
what he really meant was that he saw himself.
Billy The Neighbor has long skin, and short hair, and tall eyes
that I don’t like to watch. Once, he called me a ghost, and maybe he’s right
(I believe in ghosts, even though I don’t – can’t – believe in aliens, unless you are
Billy The Neighbor): my skin is always too pale,
and my arms are always too far away, and I can stick my hand
through my cold leg, which I guess is not very normal. Sometimes,

I wish I could be the largest sea turtle in the world instead of being a ghost,
because I like being in water, even though I don’t like to drink it
(I only like fat-free milk, and on every other Sunday, I like orange juice). Also, it might be nice to have salty tears – mine
are usually too fresh (which is odd, because my tears should be salty,
even if I am not a turtle), but here’s a story for you: my eyes have never
actually drooped, except for when Billy The Neighbor told me I
was ***** after I finished loving his brother. So,

maybe it doesn’t matter how fresh my tears are. Or maybe I would
cry more if my tears were saltier, and maybe my crying
would be more fragile than it is now. I saw Billy The Neighbor’s brother

cry, because he had loved his dog too much. Also, I
saw his collarbones, and I guess Billy The Neighbor called me *****
soon after that. Billy The Neighbor’s brother once told me I
became too attached too easily, but there’s another word for it –
I just like people who are loyal, and who can be as loyal as I am. Also,
I like people who are like Billy The Neighbor’s brother, and who can
cry over everything, because when I was little I did cry, just not anymore.
When I was little, I fainted, because someone was talking about ****.
My mother called me sensitive, but everybody else called me
“mentally disturbed.” I started seeing a therapist after that. My therapist
told me to sing. She had a torn poster of Don McLean on her wall, and she
wanted to be his therapist. Or,
she wanted to sing dirges in the dark with him. I guess I was the next best thing,
but I didn’t know how to sing a dirge for her, and I
apologized to her for it – she didn’t know that I was actually

just too lonely to do so. Then I stopped crying, even though
my body still housed more tears.
Billy The Neighbor’s brother once cried over steeped tea,
and I wish I had, too, but I didn’t. Yesterday, Little Brother
cried tears of amethyst, and he stained the floor velvet. Nobody came
to clean the floor, or to lick the color away, so now the floors are velvet,
which is sad, but mother says it’s beautiful. Whenever she says “beautiful,” I want
to throw up, because that is the worst word. I’m sorry for that. I wish I could
call people beautiful, but I’m too kind to do so.
Kaitlin Frost Nov 2012
Now once upon a midnight dreary
A young fellow once did ponder weak and weary
Not like anything one has heard before,
But this time is was something more.
As he slumped in evening chair,
Ah too much to have care.
The world around him caved in and saw,
His duties were beckoning him with their claw.
Arose from the chair pondering and pondering,
Out the door he came wandering and wandering.
Down the lowly corners and streets set light,
For he could not understand where we was try as he might.
Pulling and puzzling at his own thoughts jumbled,
Came the swift of his feet towards the soft thunder's rumble.
"What great spirit has led me to this? Upon my neighbor's door,
What such a dream, 'tis this and nothing more."
Without reason or thought upon his mind,
What strange power has caused this ill time?
Upon the chime of the midnight hour,
Stood this man at the door of the neighbor's tower.
Why he was there, that we may never know,
But surely the neighbor heard the commotion below.
A rapping came onto the neighbor's door,
"This is only a dream," the man thought to himself,
"'Tis a dream and nothing more."
He felt the pull of his hand as he tapped his neighbors door,
The force of an entity he never felt before.
Why he was there, we may never know,
But the neighbor did hear the commotion below.
As silent as the grave, the man stood waiting.
Patiently and quietly without hesitating.
Till at once his neighbor shook open the door,
And looked out at the man he had never seen before.
They each stared blankly at one another,
Until the man could no longer stutter.
"No reason here for my being at your door,
Just curious as to the man who lived here before."
The neighbor stared blankly at the man he'd never seen,
Pondering if he himself should scream.
"No sir, you must be mistaken tonight,
I am the only resident here for the years spite."
The man stood coldly, very shaken with hate,
And felt his hands squeeze against the neighbor's weight.
The neighbor's neck at once had snapped,
And he fell to the floor with one fall rapt.
Walking silent as the cold winter despair,
the man came back into his evening chair.
Why he came to the neighbor's house,
We may never know,
But he sat pondering and pondering to and fro.
A rapping came onto the man's door,
"This is only a dream," the man thought to himself,
"'Tis a dream and nothing more."