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Dark Jewel
20/F/Greenville, SC    "Where the battles are fought, Darkness may swallow you whole.." I am the only one my kind, the only Valk to live. My poetry is …
Black Jewelz
Poet. Rapper. Producer. Athlete.
simone jewell
27/F    relentless rambling on past and present emotional endeavors


Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend.  When Saturday rolled around Olive hopped out of bed and got ready for her hair appointment.  On her way to the Golden Scissors Olive thought about how Jewel have been trying to get her to get Dreadlocks.  "Jewel said I should try something different.  I guess I'll be getting Dreadlocks" said Olive.  As Olive parked her red BMW in the parking lot of the Golden Scissors she noticed she was Jewel's first client.  Now only if it would stay like this thought Olive.  Opening the doors to the hair salon Olive saw Jewel sitting in her chair as if she was a client waiting to get her hair done.  "Jewel get off your lazy **** and get started on my hair" said Olive as she entered the Golden Scissors.  "Olive hush your mouth before I make you turn around and leave" said Jewel as she rose to her feet.  Rolling her eyes and waving her hands in the air Olive pranced over to Jewel and tugged on her hair.  "I've decided to let you dread my hair.  You're right It's time for a change" said Olive as she raked her fingers through Jewel's hair.  Placing her hands on her hips Jewel said "It's about time.  Place your **** in my chair so I can get started."  "Oh yeah I got a fish on the line" Olive told Jewel as she sat down.  Dragging the comb through Olive's hair Jewel says "Mmmm do tell Olive and don't leave nothing out."  "I won't and by the way dye the tip of my dreadlocks red.  This new face came in the bank today.  A tall good looking brother by the name of Akurra Wings.  He opened a checking and a saving account" said Olive.  As Jewel twisted Olive's hair she asked the question "Did you ask him out?"  "Not yet.  The next time he come in I'll ask" answered Olive.  "What does he look like?  C'mon Olive I need details" said Jewel.  "He's tall around six feet, light skin, and has a brush cut" said Olive.  "Mmmmm he sounds yummy.  Will you get in trouble if you date him?" asked Jewel.  "I don't think so and it's nobody business who I date" answered Olive.  With a concern look on her face Jewel says "I just want to make sure you don't get in trouble."  "Jewel we don't hang out that much any more.  We need to get together and do something" said Olive.  "With me working all the time Olive I don't have that much free time.  Because of who you are I'll make time" said Jewel.  When Jewel StoneWall finally got finished with Olive's hair it was 1:00pm.  "Take a look in the mirror Olive and tell me what you think" said Jewel as she took a step back.  Rising to her feet Olive looked in the mirror.  "Wow Jewel if I knew I looked this good with Dreadlocks I would have gotten them a long time ago" said Olive as she stared at herself in the mirror.  "What else are you doing today?" asked Jewel.  "I'm going shopping.  I need a new outfit" answered Olive as she paid Jewel for doing her hair.  "We'll get together Olive.  Just let me move things around on my schedule" said Jewel.  "Yeah sure Jewel" said Olive.  Getting back in her car Olive drove to the clothing store New Fashions.
Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is GREEN Chapter Two.  A gangster love story.
Olive Spectrum was a plain looking black woman in her 30's who lived a very plain life.  She always looked forward to Saturday.  A day she would spend at the Golden Scissors getting her hair done and talking with Jewel StoneWall her childhood friend.  When Saturday rolled around Olive hopped out of bed and got ready for her hair appointment.  On her way to the Golden Scissors Olive thought about how Jewel have been trying to get her to get Dreadlocks.  "Jewel said I should try something different.  I guess I'll be getting Dreadlocks" said Olive.  As Olive parked her red BMW in the parking lot of the Golden Scissors she noticed she was Jewel's first client.  Now only if it would stay like this thought Olive.  Opening the doors to the hair salon Olive saw Jewel sitting in her chair as if she was a client waiting to get her hair done.  "Jewel get off your lazy **** and get started on my hair" said Olive as she entered the Golden Scissors.  "Olive hush your mouth before I make you turn around and leave" said Jewel as she rose to her feet.  Rolling her eyes and waving her hands in the air.  Olive pranced over to Jewel and tugged on her hair.  "I've decided to let you dread my hair.  You're right it's time for a change" said Olive as she raked her fingers through Jewel's hair.  Placing her hands on her hips Jewel says "It's about time.  Place your **** in my chair so I can get started.  "Oh yeah I got a fish on the line" Olive told Jewel as she sat down.  Dragging the comb through Olive's hair Jewel says "Mmmm do tell Olive and don't leave nothing out."  "I won't and by the way dye the tip of my dreads red.  This new face came into the bank today.  A tall good looking brother by the name of Akurra Wings.  He opened a checking and a saving account" said Olive.  "As Jewel twisted Olive's hair she asked the question "Did you ask him out?"  "Not yet.  The next time he come in I'll ask" answered Olive.  "What does he look like?  C'mon Olive I need details" said Jewel.  "He's tall around six feet, light skin, and he has a brush cut" said Olive.  "Mmmmm he sounds yummy.  Will you get in trouble if you date him?" asked Jewel.  "I don't think so and it's no body business who I date" answered Olive.  With a concern look on her face Jewel says "I just want to make sure you don't get in trouble."  "Jewel we don't hang out that much anymore.  We need to get together and do something" said Olive.  "With me working all the time Olive I don't have that much free time.  Because of who you are I'll make time" said Jewel.  When Jewel StoneWall finally got finished with Olive's hair it was 1:00pm.  "Take a look in the mirror Olive and tell me what you think" said Jewel as she took a step back.  Rising to her feet Olive looked in the mirror.  "Wow Jewel if I knew I looked this good with Dreadlocks I would have gotten them a long time ago" said Olive as she stared at herself in the mirror.  "What else are you doing today?" asked Olive.
"I'm going shopping.  I need a new outfit" answered Olive as she paid Jewel for doing her hair.  "We'll get together Olive.  Just let me move things around on my schedule " said Jewel.  "Yeah sure Jewel" said Olive.  Getting back in her car Olive drove to the clothing store New Fashions.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum.
Gangster love story.
Big Virge Sep 2021
There Are MANY Jewels In...
... The Crown of Life...
And A BIG ONE Is...
Being Able To THINK... !!!
A Jewel That Links...
To... POSITIVE Things... !!!
Because Those Who DON’T...
And Take Life For A JOKE...
Tend To Hold Fools Gold...
That Leaves Them BROKE...
And In... Lonely Zones... !!!
However... Being Able...
To Keep Yourself STABLE...
When You’re Alone...
Is A Jewel That Dethrones...
Things Like Misery...
Because Like They Say...
It Really Likes Company...
That Can Damage Families...  
In The WORST Kind of Ways... !!!
But It’s Also Said...
That To Find A Good Wife...
Is A JEWEL That Rests...
On The Crown of Life... !!!
Now I Really Don’t Know...
If It’s An Accurate Quote... ?!?
It’s Said That Good Wives Know...
How To Make A Man WHOLE... !!!
Or In Others Words BALANCED...
Another Jewel In The Crown...
That Defeats Getting Drowned...
When You Face A TOUGH Challenge... !!!
Like To Stand And Face...
Those Who Deal In HATE...
A Jewel That’s CRUEL... !!!
That Has NO CROWN... !!!
It Just Causes FROWNS...
And Fools Who ABUSE...
The Crowns’ BASIC Rule...
Do Unto Others...
As You’d Like Done To You... !!!
And RESPECT Your Mothers...
And Your Fathers... TOO... !!!
Unless They’re A Part...
of ******* Crews... !!!
Because... WITHOUT THEM...
How Could There Be A YOU... ?
Is Another... Crown Jewel... !!!
UNLIKE The One Seen...
In The Crown That’s Used...
By The British Queen...
So Don’t Get Them Confused... !!!
The Jewels In The Crown...
That These Rhymes Speak About...
Are NOT THOSE That Shine...
Or Are Those That Are STOLEN... !!!
They Are Those Enshrined...
In Standards That Focus...
On... Living Life...
WITHOUT Dealing In Potions...
That Leave Folks BROKEN... !!!
Like Stocks And Brokers...
of... COLONIAL Rule...
To Obtain Their Jewels... !!!
That Are Born From Falsehoods...
That Refuse What’s... Good...
Like Natural Food...
Another Crown Jewel...
That Will Serve You WELL...
And Maintain Your Health... !!!
As Does The Jewel...
of Knowledge of Self...
That Breeds Spiritual Wealth... !!!
That Will NOT SELL...
It’s Soul Well Short...
Like People Now Caught...
In The Trap Where Cash...
Is ALL That They Live For... !!!
A... DANGEROUS Road...
Where Crowns DON’T GO... !!!
Because Greed And Vanity...
Deserve NO THRONES... !!!
They’re For Dogs Whose Bones...
And Souls Are... COLD... !!!
Like The Blackest Holes...
And Those Who Mould...
How People Are CONTROLLED...
But The Crown of Life...
Has Jewels That Are BRIGHT...
That DEFINE What’s RIGHT... !!!
Like Using Your Mind...
To Express What It Finds...
About Life’s Designs...
And To Share Insights...
... As Well As Being PRECISE... !!!
A Jewel With NO Price...
Like... Getting Old... !!!
So Is The One That Holds...
The... Number One Spot... !!!
Because It Comes With WISDOM... !!!
That’s NOT Found By Everyone... !!!
Because Most CAN’T See...
Beyond Lust And Vanity... !!!
And This Thing Called Money...
That’s Just... PAPER And INK... !!!
Or This Need For Vaccines...
To Stop Us Getting Sick...
When The Jewel That People NEED...
Is To Question And To... THINK...
BEYOND Talk From Pharmacists...
... Politicians And Medics...
And Their Packs of Scientists...
The Types Who Said Things...
Like... DON'T Deal In Cannabis...
Or We’ll Lock You Up With Crims'... !!!
Yup... The SAME HYPOCRITES... !!!
Who Now Want To GIVE YOU IT... !!!
As Long You As You...
... ACCEPT A JAB... !!!
People Really Need To...
... THINK About That...  !!!
Because THAT Jewel Is A SCAM... !!!
You See The... Jewel of...
Knowledge And Thought...
And Common Sense Born...
From Using Your Thoughts...  
To Be Those That ABSORB...
What It Is That Links...
Yourself To WISE Gifts... !!!
Is A Jewel That’s PRECIOUS...
Just Like... THAT RING...
That Was Made For Kings... !!!
The One Where You...
Use Your Brain To THINK... !!!
For... YOURSELF... !!!
And NOT For The Crews...
Who Use Jewels To ABUSE...
That... DIVIDE And RULE... !!!
That’s The Jewel That Really...
Will Serve You WELL... !!!
And Is One That Will Help You...  
... LAUGH And SMILE...
In The Face of What Are...
And Is The Jewel That You'll Find...
That's MORE VALUED Than...
ALL The Others COMBINED... !!!  
That Are Part of What I See.....
As Being.....
Not the type of crown that most people think of....