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Kani  Aug 2024
Happy Janmashtami
Kani Aug 2024
Beyond time born the King
Beyond the cycle of birth and death
As though born
As though gone
Living a beautiful life
Bred for beings
Out of love
Out of compassion
A greater sacrifice
Beyond comprehension

Waiting for the humanity
To wake up to the words
Ever living in the time
Passing moments
Reminding of the passage
Yes wake up to the words
Before the ebbing of time

The greatest way to celebrate the King
Is to follow His song
Happy Janmashtami
HAPPY JANMASHTAMI to all my friends.

Born  was Krishna, specially to destroy evil
Killed and conquered He Kans; and many a devil.

Also born He was, to love and happiness spread.
That's why, Radha's name before Him, is always read.

An example fine, of Friendship with Gop, Gopis n Sudama, He set .
Draupadi saved He, when Pandavas, her wongly did bet.

An ideal to follow, for all these above things, He was.
Actions, our own Karma, of happiness or sadness is the cause.

If we humans, followed these examples of His;
Wouldn't wonderful be this world; simply filled with bliss ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
HAPPY JANMASHTAMI to all my friends.

Born  was Krishna, specially to destroy evil
Killed and conquered He Kans; and many a devil.

Also born He was, to love and happiness spread.
That's why, Radha's name before Him, is always read.

An example fine, of Friendship with Gop, Gopis n Sudama, He set .
Draupadi saved He, when Pandavas, her wongly did bet.

An ideal to follow, for all these above things, He was.
Actions, our own Karma, of happiness or sadness is the cause.

If we humans, followed these examples of His;
Wouldn't wonderful be this world; simply filled with bliss ?

Armin Dutia Motashaw
Bewitched I am beloved,  with your many charms;

That's why my beloved, I wish to die, in your loving arms.

Feel your heartbeats , I wish to, holding there my face

Imagine I can, how quickly my own heart will race.

Love is eternal,  it never dies,  believe this I do;

Asks Radha, "Kanhai, come back to me,  when will you?"


Armin Dutia Motashaw
जन्माष्टमी पर पूछती हूं तुझे

आज ब्रिज में मोहत्सव है, पधारेंगे यहां घनश्याम;
जोर शोर से, पुकारेगा हर कोई आज, प्रभू, तेरा ही नाम।

पर न तु मीराका हुआ , न हुई तेरी राधा; ऐसा क्यों घनश्याम ?
आज कल तो बोली लगती है, लेके तेरा नाम, करते हैं लोग तुझे बदनाम ।

परेशान है आज तेरा बनाया मानव, यह जहान और यह सारा आवाम ।
दुखी हूं बहुत मै, सच्चे मानवका देखके, यह दुखद अंजाम ।

हर चीज़ बिकाऊ है, हर व्यक्ति का, आखिर क्यूं है दाम;
सोच रही हूं, आखिर दुनिया क्यों बनाई तुने, ओ मेरे घनश्याम!

बड़ी श्रृद्धासे लोग पुंजते है तुझे, लेके तेरा नाम ;
पूजा अर्चना होती है तेरी शहर हो या हो गाम;

फिर भी प्रभु, होती है बुराई की विजय सुबह शाम;
तो, क्या पूछ सकती हूं मैं, क्यूं होता है,  ऐसा सच्चाई का अंजाम ?

कुछ तो बोल, अब तो मुंह खोल, ओ घनश्याम;
ओ कन्हाई काले, राधा के दुलहारे ,सब के प्यारे सलोने श्याम ।

Armin Dutia Motashaw

— The End —