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Ruth Miranda Oct 2010
hate, like flames in someone's eyes,
anger which  makes you want to hurt,
vexation provoked by fury,
and fury held inside.

The state of being annoyed,
displeasure arouse by grievance,
a taste of bitterness caused by outrage,
and outrage  internally kept.

maddening violence
aggravated by exasperation,
indignation evoked by irritation
and irritation born privately.
by Tutinea ©
Kabiru  Apr 2020
Kabiru Apr 2020
Inside aloud alive
Outside alive aloud

Inside warm as the morning sun
Outside as cold as ice

As pale as death outside
As silent as a tomb inside

Bubbly life outside
Frozenly cold inside

Whichever strums your Harp
Carl Hoek  Feb 2013
Carl Hoek Feb 2013
I thought I had been cast out of the mud castle kingdom. Then one day it dawned on me, 28 miles per second would be enough to break through my own roaring and escape back into
over developed proxy and reach a small awareness.
enough, i thought, to overwhelm a wall of demons.

Guarded are their black glassy gates.
Then one day it happened.
Pam, crying chemical rainbow tears while looking at all of the big red blimps.
"now clouds" she said, "clouds should all be plastic and red." And with that her ankles turned to dust and started a fury of little cyclones. Outwards , outwards.
now she cant spell forwards. she can't count backwards, and every other time she blinks her eyes the retina won't flip the image. The world goes upside down and insideout.

I can't handle it.  
They all lied to her, told her the world was just level.
I am sleep now. I'm weak. Those big long brittle spider legs tapping at the pavement. Those ******* belladonna eyes and wormwood spire. Godamned, he bent the buildings out of shape. He could sink all the gondolas in Venice.
Athenascurse  Oct 2016
Athenascurse Oct 2016
Hey! I know you hear me,
I know **** comes at you
With intent to blind u so u can't see.

Tip, tipsy, drunk, insanity
I'm screaming and yelling
I love you infinitely.

You've ran, you've hid.
From the memory of
All u did.

Two kids r awaiting.
Keep going and they'll b hating.

Why, do u fall so far?
What if u pass out,
Behind the wheel of a car?

I'm fighting not to yell and curse,
Cause I dont wanna be following a Hearst.

You call me. Confused.
Don't like this abuse.
It's all around you.
People tryn to use....

Use your soul.
Until it's old.
Rotten and cold.

Can't seem to get in your head.
Show u where to go,
Cause I don't want you dead.

Aaron. Let's the air in the room.
He smiles and lights up.
Life is good. For the turn of the moon.

That ******* bottle.
I wanna break them all.
Tell u that u can't wallow.

Your inner strength is your pain.
And when u cry it's like the pouring rain.

I never saw my mom's death.
I can never say I've had it worse.
U sat all alone at 8yo.
And watched her last breath.

I know that's where it comes from deep within.
U fight day by day. To not pick up that sin.

A guiding hand,
A word of might.
Maybe if I tell u how much
You matter.
U won't die tonight.

To a dearest friend

I love you, you r my family.
Those kids who made it out of hell.
Still hiding in that hard shell.
Cuz we don't know where else to be.

I said I believed in u.
And that was no lie.
Can't imagine how painful it is.
That I gotta watch u cry.
Fear. And doubt crumbles the hope
You hide.

No matter what!
I forgive you.
I always do.
Can't be on this ride.
And expect everything to be new.

So like I said before...
Put the bottle down.
Sober up.
U can't keep falling
Insideout. On your crown.

*To Aaron.
It's not over.
Until u look in the mirror.
And start caring'.
I feel like I can't catch my friends. That alcohol will always win.
hunny  Sep 2015
red pain+joy
hunny Sep 2015
streams and rockets
of joy searing your suffering insides
from the inSIDEOut

like a burning building
you tell your
self to just LET GO!!!!!! you scream

the furious fiery  joy killing you

dr..........aaaggggggggging it ou....t.

making you suffer
it loathes you

all happy joy is ssuperficiAL!!!

real joy leave swith a bANG:
boom? there goes your heart?
this year moves quickly
Dane Perczak Sep 2014
Your eyes are like the stars
Such crimson fabric strewn in waves
I watch you dance in the night
My dear, the universe is ours
not bad
Our love is a thunderstorm, you're an insideout umbrella
why not
Beauty thrills me, poetry kills me
of course
Your heart is a moon that no man's landed
could I get that one framed?
Our eyes dance, our lips take naps
Did I compare anything to stars yet?

— The End —