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Riva Althea Roldan
written by the Writer of life
Althea Falls
F/Philippines    too young to be an adult, too old to be a child


Tupelo  Jun 2015
Dear Althea
Tupelo Jun 2015
You are all
the reasons why
I choose to stay
liz  May 2018
liz May 2018
second thoughts, or maybe thirds
chasing the loops in indecision
tracing pendulums of heart hopes &
                   just a little bit of dissatisfaction
please be angry with me
i'm not angry with myself,
i'm chasing my dreams and maybe
the stars are saying, no don't align,
or maybe i'm asking them not to
                   under my breath, in between heartbeats
where no one can hear these words
because they're my own, they're secret
a little consecrated promise to myself
i swallowed your affection like medicine
you did heal me, a little
now let me heal myself, be patient
i swear it, i will never lose your love
a little bit bittersweet, a little bit grateful dead
Lavinia Martin  Aug 2018
Lavinia Martin Aug 2018
along the way of the journey,
you held my hand and kissed me.
we walked till our feet were planted blisters,
just two people stuck together.

the long distance we have taken,
made me see you again.
and in a shining new light i feel you,
as the walk gets harder to go through.

early in the morning one day,
the sun pointed at you with its ray.
you shined so bright,
and i knew that it felt right— you felt right.
al th ea, your name is not.