I'm stressed, I'm angry,
They don't understand,
The rage that burns within me,
The fury in my veins.
"It's adolescent thinking,
That rush in your brain,
The twitching of your fingers,
The scorching of your heart."
Yet they don't seem to see,
With their condescending eyes,
That the feelings trapped within me,
Are more than adolescent.
The rage I feel to ****,
The need for blood to spill,
The coating of metallic liquid,
Over my pristine knuckles.
To them I'm very simply,
A 'normal adolescent',
And my fury will flee,
When I finally mature.
But I can see it in their eyes,
The suppressed demons that they hide,
Away from the public eye,
From their 'adolescent' years.
So until I'm what they call 'mature',
I'll just have to stay,
Angry, uncontrollable,
And simply adolescent.
Another random train of thought. It's getting way too late here for me to think...